Mr Rexhepi is one of 17 on the most-wanted list released by Scotland Yard and Crimestoppers.
Despite several unconfirmed reports that he had been killed, Hammami remains on the FBI's most-wanted list.
It now seems that the world's most-wanted man was instead in Abbottabad in 2007, right at the moment I visited.
He describes the hideaway's dark rooms and gives a good sense of how the most-wanted man spent his final years.
Interestingly enough, however, Farouk Al-Hijazi was not on the list of 55 most-wanted Iraqi officials that was drafted by the U.S. military.
One unconfirmed report even had the two generals on one visit bringing Sirajuddin Haqqani, one of the network's leaders, who is on America's most-wanted list.
Had Mexico stamped its most-wanted list on a deck of playing-cards like the one used in Iraq, the pack would now look a lot thinner.
Mr Bin al-Shibh had featured prominently in an updated most-wanted list.
The country's most-wanted man in the 1970s, Mesrine made his name as a charismatic, press-courting criminal known for his daring bank heists and spectacular prison breaks.
Other most-wanted wheels range from a relative economy car from Volvo, to the first luxury-brand hybrid from Lexus, to an all-wheel drive Audi, the carmaker s fastest to date.
The Obama team believes the Bush administration has downplayed the importance of catching the FBI's most-wanted terrorist because it has not been able to find him.
Hijazi is not on the list of 55 most-wanted Iraqi leaders, but former CIA Director James Woolsey said that omission does not mean he is not important.
They were two of the most-wanted men in the world, their faces splashed all over the Internet and TV in surveillance-camera images released by the FBI hours earlier.
Khandush is not one of the 55 most-wanted Iraqis from the deck of cards listing the top regime figures sought by the United States, but he is named on a longer, unpublished list of wanted Iraqi leaders.
Frank Thorp, a Central Command spokesman, confirmed Monday that the United States had two officials in custody who appear on the its 55 most-wanted list of Iraq's leaders, but he left it up in the air as to whether or not more had been captured by coalition forces.
Malik, in his interview with CNN, said allowing the wives to be interviewed should make clear to the United States that Pakistan has nothing to hide -- and put to rest any suspicions that the world's most-wanted terrorist might have had a support network inside the Pakistani government, military or intelligence services.
The Indonesian police said DNA tests proved that the body of one of four men killed in a raid in central Java was that of Noordin Top, the country's most-wanted terrorist suspect, accused of involvement in the 2002 Bali bombing and many other attacks, including one on two hotels in Jakarta in July.
The "good guys" have tried to tempt college kids with free legal music for far too long to no avail, and after continuous failed attempts at gaining traction here in the US, it's no surprise that the RIAA would devote precious man-hours to concocting a most-wanted list of pirating schools.
ENGADGET: RIAA lists top 25 universities handing out piracy notices
But the Saudi authorities also bungled an attempt to capture alive one of the most wanted al-Qaeda suspects.
More recently it has published photographs of the top-20 most wanted criminals who have dodged tax, typically by VAT frauds or smuggling cigarettes.
Castro told "America's Most Wanted" -- as seen in archived video posted online, including on Slate's website -- that her friend loaned her 50 cents, so she could use the phone and ask her mother if the two could spend the afternoon together at DeJesus' house.
Then, I got to sit back and listen to them all brainstorm and debate until I had some long-term goals, structure for how to reach those goals and what I wanted most of all, a to-do list.
Huang showed the crowd Need for Speed: Most Wanted running in real-time on the device.
On education, he said he wanted the system to be "like the pushiest, most sharp-elbowed, ambitious parent there is" and he wanted it to "be the norm" for every school leaver to start an apprenticeship or go to university.
Most backed the small-scale approach and wanted very little from the government, state or federal.
In 2009, Mexican authorities listed the thirty-seven drug capos they most wanted.
What does this mean for luxury companies with brands that, in less than a year, went from being on the "most wanted" list among well-to-do consumers to becoming badges of conspicuous consumption?