Here, again, India has finally taken the first steps, by granting Pakistan Most Favored Nation status.
Yet, despite the breadth of this legislation's coverage, the well-known and well-worn vehicle of Most Favored Nation status is nowhere to be found in this debate.
Approving the trade pact would end the annual debate over whether China should get normal trade relations -- a designation previously known as Most Favored Nation (MFN) status.
CNN: White House steps up lobbying effort for China trade bill
Such terms, known as "most favored nation" clauses, have drawn the scrutiny of the Justice Department in recent years in the health-care industry because they can sometimes be used to hamper competition.
It did so by linking the granting of Most Favored Nation status and official loans and credit guarantees to the Soviet Union (and other nations with non-market economies) to clear evidence of an institutionalized respect for the right to emigrate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The U.S.-Soviet Trade Agreement: Overtaken By Events
Some contracts include so-called most-favored nation clauses, which make programmers give the biggest cable companies the best price they are offering anywhere, among other conditions.
WSJ: U.S. Investigates Cable Companies for Limits on Online Video
An exchange of ambassadors could lead to Vietnam getting Most-Favored Nation trading status and Export-Import Bank loans, critical for buying high-priced items such as aircraft.
Kemp agrees with the president that Congress should vote again to extend most-favored-nation status to China.
Most-favored-nation status offers low tariffs and treats countries as normal trading partners.
CNN: Clinton Proposes Renewing China's Most-Favored Trade Status
Most-favored-nation clauses are also an issue in the e-books case, where Apple sought to ensure that publishers gave the Apple online bookstore the best price available.
WSJ: U.S. Investigates Cable Companies for Limits on Online Video
"I think Dick Gephardt has made a real error in calculating his possibilities for the year 2000 if that's what he's doing, " Kemp said, referring to Gephardt's recent attacks on the budget deal and extending most-favored-nation trade status to China.
Poland and Hungary are now seeking access to a number of U.S. trade and financial privileges, including: permanent or multi-year most-favored-nation status, tariff benefits under the generalized system of preferences, eligibility for Overseas Private Investment Corporation programs and large-scale debt relief.