The prize gives special consideration to the promotion of mother-tongue languages in developing countries.
In fact, the government has been promoting mother-tongue teaching since the mid-1980s.
However, there is still the lack of the awareness towards mother-tongue based bilingual education in the general public and in some ethnic communities.
English, de-emphasized in the past two years in a bid to promote mother-tongue schooling, is now back in favor, with a campaign planned to push its use.
In addition, the newspaper has opened up opportunities for women to break into formerly male-dominated socioeconomic spaces and has created opportunities for other minority groups to produce their own papers in their own (mother-tongue) languages.
The conference aims to help countries plan, carry out and manage ECCE programmes, including those for disadvantaged and excluded groups, as well as to adapt ECCE curricula in the light of recent research on pedagogy and psychology, with special focus on mother-tongue teaching.
These should be field tested and used in the ongoing development of mother tongue-based literacy implementation and expansion.
There is a need for a broader understanding of intercultural and multilingual education as a continuum of mother tongue-based education from a right to an education perspective.
The expansion of mother tongue-based literacy programmes is an immediate response to the large mass of non-literate and disadvantaged castes and ethnic groups of women learners in Nepal.
Mother Tongue-Based (MTB) Multilingual Education (MLE) Pilot School Project.
As the language of instruction has a critical bearing on what literacy programmes can achieve, what do you think about the impact of mother tongue-based literacy programmes for achieving the goal of literacy for all in Nepal?
The mother tongue approach to non-formal education in the delivery of literacy services is highly innovative and pioneering in a multi-lingual pluralistic society such as Nepal.
Of the estimated 150 languages still spoken, Dr Fogarty says that only a handful - about 6% - are considered "strong" and are still spoken as a mother tongue, while many others are endangered.
And most black children came from poor, ill-educated families where English, the main language of instruction, was not their mother tongue.
To give non-English-speaking children a leg-up, the government agreed last year that all pupils should be taught in their mother tongue for at least the first three years of primary school.