As for the motion control that was there, the experience was fairly responsive, though not particularly speedy.
Remember that break-apart DualShock 3 idea for motion control Sony had five years ago?
But Microsoft's internet-TV system does do one thing other don't -- full-body motion control.
The game can be played without any controller, utilizing the motion control functionality of Kinect.
And it was here where the intuitive motion control system really proved its worth.
Motion Control now recognizes more natural movements, with two-handed gestures and better viewing environment flexibility.
ENGADGET: Samsung 2013 LCDs and plasmas revealed: quad core CPU, new menus and more
The new Kinect voice and motion control is no longer optional and is supposed to recognize you immediately.
The Wii, and the Move tried but could not make a fun and innovative motion control for FPS games.
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New motion control systems like Sony's PlayStation Move and Microsoft's hands-free Kinect also provide novel gift options.
The Wii sat on the sidelines, relying on motion control for attracting larger audiences and not integrating Netflix until 2010.
Our new product portfolio gives our customers maximum flexibility to incorporate Freespace motion control into their products and accelerate their time to market.
Full motion control of all camera views, however, has been tested with the hardware before, Kotkin says, and it's planned for the final version.
Freespace Sensor Modules: For companies that want to easily integrate motion control into their own products, Hillcrest launched a line of new embeddable modules.
ILM's first breakthrough: a motion control camera, which could revolve repeatedly around stationary objects while remaining in constant focus, thus simulating flight.
The controller also features a light bar, which means a new PlayStation camera can more easily track the device for motion control.
Hillcrest's patented motion control software platform provides a sensor-agnostic solution for motion control devices using accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers (compasses) in a variety of configurations.
The setup uses a splittable controller and a processing unit to enable seamless motion control and spacial tracking on any title and system.
Though PlayStation Move controllers are distinctly similar in appearance to the Wii's, Sony's motion control package is proving to be far more precise.
Miller will join the makers of the world's most accurate 3-D motion control technology in August, reporting directly to CEO and co-founder Michael Buckwald.
ENGADGET: Leap Motion taps former Apple iAd VP Andy Miller to be President and COO
Based in San Francisco, Leap Motion is a motion-control software and hardware company developing the world's most powerful and sensitive 3-D motion-control and motion-sensing technology.
ENGADGET: Leap Motion taps former Apple iAd VP Andy Miller to be President and COO
It could involve motion control, connectivity with Macs and other iDevices, and contain features that are on par or better than what Google is developing.
Diamond provides a 3-in-1 remote that features a keyboard, mouse and motion control, allowing you to use your television like a computer device or a game console.
The Roku Streaming Stick, when purchased separately and not bundled with a device, comes with a Roku enhanced remote which features volume buttons and motion control for game play.
ENGADGET: Roku Streaming Stick launches in October for $99, Vudu comes to the Roku platform today
The touchscreen on the gamepad does seem less intrusive than the motion control aspects of the Wii, but Nintendo is kind of all over the place with its controllers.
FORBES: The WiiU Question: How Many Screens Do You Want In Your Living Room?
In addition to its newest products, Hillcrest continues to offer several Freespace Reference Kits (FSRKs) to give product designers and software developers all the components, tools, and documentation needed to rapidly prototype motion control devices.
In addition to using the Nexus Q and Nexus 7, the company combined its expertise in motion control and automation with Google's Android ADK 2012, Autodesk's Maya and even Linux.
ENGADGET: Visualized: Kinetisphere takes Nexus Q into another dimension at Google I/O 2012 (video)
By adding the Evolution Kit to their 2012 Smart TVs, consumers can enjoy a redesigned Smart Hub, enhanced Voice Interaction and Motion Control, as well as a quad-core chipset for increased processing power.
ENGADGET: Samsung 2013 LCDs and plasmas revealed: quad core CPU, new menus and more
"As OEMs adopt 3-D motion control technology, they're spurring a rapid evolution in computer interface innovations and helping free the full power and potential of computing for consumers, " said Leap Motion co-founder and CEO Michael Buckwald.
ENGADGET: ASUS partners up with Leap Motion, PCs with 3D motion control to debut in 2013
While the enhanced remote is needed for games that require motion control, consumers can alternatively use the television remote to control their Roku experience when the Roku Streaming Stick is paired with a Roku Ready TV.
ENGADGET: Roku Streaming Stick launches in October for $99, Vudu comes to the Roku platform today
That's partly because the Wii U is still a Wii (a radically more powerful Wii with a second screen that floats around your living room, true), and motion control still factors big in the Wii U's future.