Jackson Laboratory represents an unusual but nonetheless very effective mixture of the two motives.
Although the IRS commissioner has denied any staff acted out of partisan motives, political critics are doubtful.
Few Chinese ventured westward along the Silk Road and those that did, like Zhang, had very different motives.
His motives are partly self-serving: he needs social credentials in a state that leans leftwards.
ECONOMIST: The sad lack of reformers in Germany, even on the right
The paradox is easily resolved once we consider the motives of many tea party supporters.
We can only hazard guesses as to her motives but we may never find out.
BBC: Neighbour abuse: Ethel Watkins, 83, sentenced for taunts
As long as the allegations are true, then the motives of the employee are irrelevant.
After all, people are routinely moved to concerted political action by all sorts of motives.
But in terms of the motives of people, I can't shed any light on that.
It's unclear who plotted the attack against Twitter and what their motives may have been.
On the left, Mr. Mamet is accused of having ulterior motives for his political shift.
They tell of patriots and scoundrels, high motives and low cynicism, extreme courage and cruel betrayal.
But as a Cuban-American, he has motives that are more personal and ideological than purely political.
Abubakar says he is very concerned about politicians using religion for their own motives.
I'm not interested in teasing out the potential motives or causes behind these disasters.
The magistrates said they understood and admired her motives and her intentions were "quite honourable".
Again, the motives of the informers are mixed: grudges and envy, but also fear and blackmail.
But Mr Modi on Friday tried to allay fears that the procession had ideological motives.
Or is it still just a disparate group of people with very different motives?
Senator TED KENNEDY (Democrat, Massachusetts): They came here with the purest of the motives.
Russia's entry into the WTO, at long last, is welcome, but its motives are uncertain.
Given all this, said jurors after their dismissal, there was a mystery over his motives.
As relief efforts continue, companies' motives are likely to be less altruistic, ad experts say.
Whatever its motives, the government has won quiet praise from some of the countries directly affected.
That investigation will look at the motives of the alleged gunman, including his views and contacts.
In the defense response, attorney James Burdon attacked the prosecution's identity theft and robbery motives.
Friends and family have been very supportive, but others have suggested more cynical motives.
BBC: NEWS | Health | 'I will lose my breasts to save my life'
Northern Trust would seem to have had ample motives to invest in riskier assets.
This causes us to question Mr. Starr's motives and to lack confidence in his referral.
The studio claimed in its lawsuit that he had not been honest about his motives.