The force said the BMW driver chased the motorcyclist after he was shot at.
The motorcyclist, in his haste to get away, collided with two other cars and came off his bike.
He was speaking at the inquest of a motorcyclist who crashed when travelling at about 100mph.
BBC: No plans for national speed limit: Isle of Man government
More than 26, 000 speeding motorists have been caught, including a motorcyclist who registered 144mph.
The motorcyclist died in a hospital a couple of days after the accident, Oldwage said.
John Needham was speaking at the inquest of a motorcyclist who crashed when travelling at about 100mph.
Tributes have been paid to a County Tyrone motorcyclist killed in a crash in the Czech Republic.
Prosecutors say Carl Pistorius was driving recklessly in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, when he crashed with the motorcyclist.
Carl Pistorius is accused in the 2010 death of a female motorcyclist, CNN affiliate eNCA reported Sunday.
But you might want to go further, and split the accidents by car, pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist and so on.
Mark McCausland who used to sponsor Adrian said he was always proud to have the motorcyclist riding his bikes.
The third was vehicles emerging from junctions with a motorcyclist usually the victim.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Devon | Roads see 25% increase in deaths
Disciplinary action could be taken against a police officer who was involved in a crash which seriously injured a motorcyclist.
But attorney Kenny Oldwage disputes allegations that his client was driving recklessly and said the motorcyclist rode into Carl Pistorius' vehicle.
His death follows that of County Tyrone motorcyclist, Adrian McFarland, who was killed in a crash in the Czech Republic on Saturday.
North Wales Police said they would not be confirming the name of the decapitated motorcyclist or making any comment on the case.
Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) wants the law for using mobile phones while driving reviewed following the death of a motorcyclist.
Allen is an avid distance runner, a Master SCUBA diver and motorcyclist.
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South African motorcyclist Elmer Symons, 29, competing in his first Dakar Rally, died after an accident during the fourth stage on 9 January.
Carl Pistorius is charged with culpable homicide over the death of a woman motorcyclist in a traffic accident in 2008, his lawyer said.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius brother Carl also facing homicide trial
Police were alerted to Brett Webber's bizarre driving after he almost knocked a motorcyclist off his bike in the city centre last January.
"I tended to the motorcyclist whilst waiting for some considerable time for an ambulance to arrive, he appeared comfortable and pain free, " he said.
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Motorcyclist Andrew Osborne reached the highest speed ever recorded by police on a British road before Brady was caught, when he was clocked riding at 157mph.
Also in southern Afghanistan, Dutch soldiers fatally shot a motorcyclist who approached their convoy and failed to heed warning signals and shots, the Dutch Defense Ministry said.
In an unrelated case, the athlete's brother, Carl Pistorius, appeared in court on Wednesday charged with the culpable homicide of a female motorcyclist in a 2008 road crash.
Det Insp Jim Elson, of Lancashire Police, said the self employed builder was found at about 20:00 BST outside an address on the street by a passing motorcyclist.
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Prosecutors say Carl Pistorius was driving in Vanderbijlpark in March 2008 when he collided with the motorcyclist, Marietjie Barnard, who later died in hospital, AP news agency reports.
BBC: Oscar Pistorius brother Carl in court in homicide trial
One statistic from our casualty figures for last year was that the average age of a motorcyclist involved in crashes was 37 - this demonstrates the problem we have.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Putting the brake on biker deaths
The family of a motorcyclist killed in a crash on Spring Bank Holiday Monday have paid tribute to a "happy person who was fun loving and full of life".
But two years later, the officer's meteoric career took a dive, when he was accused of using excessive force, shooting a motorcyclist in the leg, CNN affiliate KYW reported.
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