The union, based at Mount Pleasant since 1911, secured the investment in 2012 from the University of Liverpool.
BBC: Liverpool University ?13.8m union upgrade plans released
"Everyone has had to get tighter on their numbers, " said Jacob Silvis, a snow-removal entrepreneur in Mount Pleasant, Pa.
The plans, which involve the removal of road markings, traffic controls and pavements, would largely pedestrianise areas of Mount Pleasant Road.
Colbert Busch had said after she voted in Mount Pleasant, across the Cooper River from Charleston, that she felt positive and encouraged.
During the work, a temporary union site is being used at nearby Abercromby Square, with some services remaining open at Mount Pleasant.
BBC: Liverpool University ?13.8m union upgrade plans released
He seems not involved with Mount Pleasant out of a love of teaching or a civic duty or a desire to give back.
"I think it speaks to his morality and his ethics, and that just by itself gives me pause, " said Dana Frazeur of Mount Pleasant.
On Friday he participated in a trunk show hosted by a family-owned department store, Gwynn's of Mount Pleasant, where he would like to see his clothes sold, he said.
More than 2, 500 people from more than 60 nations live and work there, according to the government website, as well as forces stationed at the British military's Mount Pleasant Complex.
More than 2, 500 people from more than 60 nations live and work there, according to the islands' government website, as well as forces stationed at the British military's Mount Pleasant Complex.
About 2, 500 people from "over 150 nationalities" now live and work on the islands, in addition to 1, 700 stationed at the British military's Mount Pleasant Complex there, according to the islands' government website.
There will be a four-performance encore over Labor Day weekend during the Old Threshers Reunion, an annual event that celebrates the agricultural heritage of the Midwest and typically attracts 80, 000 visitors to Mount Pleasant.
WSJ: A Permanent Home for the Itinerant Life | By Joanne Kaufman
The building, on the corner of Mount Pleasant Road and Church Road, has been dubbed top of the "grotspots" as it has continued to deteriorate amid years of perceived inaction by owners and the borough council.
It shows Mr Lerwell and Mr Lilley - members of the Swansea Predators cage fighting team from Mount Pleasant - dressed in women's clothing celebrating a stag night in Swansea city centre on 30 August this year.