What helps is the vast network of producers, fishermen and farmers the Rocky Mountaineer relies on.
Mr. MATT SEPIC, (Reporter, KWMU News): The Ford plant here makes Explorer and Mercury Mountaineer SUVs.
At first the couple thought it was a mountaineer who had had an accident.
An Irish mountaineer and charity fundraiser has died while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.
The top 10 included Marco Polo and astronaut Neil Armstrong as well as mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary.
One example is the new Ford Explorer and its stablemate, the Mercury Mountaineer.
Less than a week later, a 36-year-old Finnish mountaineer also died from injuries sustained in a fall during descent.
But when the Simons found it, they initially thought they had discovered a mountaineer who had had an accident.
Walkit, a U.K. walk-routing website, adjusts for hills using Naismith's Rule, developed by William W. Naismith, a Scottish mountaineer, in 1892.
Schaller talked about this missing piece of information with documentary-maker and mountaineer Rick Ridgeway, and an expedition began to take shape.
The site will be officially opened by veteran mountaineer Sir Chris Bonington.
He survived the fall, which was witnessed by mountaineer Sir Chris Bonington, but was taken to hospital with serious head and chest injuries.
"It's the wrong end of the stick to think we revel in near-death experiences, " says mountaineer John Cousins, a climber with 35 years' experience.
He also claims that Mortenson, a former mountaineer, has mismanaged and misappropriated hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in donations to his Central Asia Institute which builds the schools.
MCofS safety officer Heather Morning has highlighted the issue after Nigel Williams, head of training at Glenmore Lodge, near Aviemore, wrote about the problem in the Scottish Mountaineer magazine.
BBC: Reverse polarity a risk to climbers, mountain body warns
Mr. Mabao was 16 when he started guiding tourists up Mount Mayon and is a member of the Panaway Mountaineer Group, which usually climbs the 2, 440-metervolcano three to four times a week.
Hence, names like TrailBlazer, Explorer, Mountaineer and Wrangler.
Mr. Mabao was 16 when he started guiding tourists up Mount Mayon and is a member of the Panaway Mountaineer Group, which usually climbs the 2, 440-meter, or 8, 000-foot, volcano three to four times a week.
Flt Lt Capps was an experienced mountaineer, having taken part in a expedition in the Indian Himalayas and led a group on an expedition that circumnavigated Mount Kenya and got to the summit of Point Lenana.
Whether an exhilarating challenge for the aspiring mountaineer or an invigorating hike for the experienced climber, the journey to the top of the Philippines leaves visitors in awe of this archipelago in the middle of the Pacific.
The toughest mountain on the list, the fang-like 1, 224m-high Federation Peak in Southwest National Park, requires the blind courage (but not the equipment) of a mountaineer, with the summit reached on an exposed near-vertical rock climb.
Early in the book, Kavenna describes her meeting with a kindred spirit, the philosopher and mountaineer Arne Naess, who mourns the loss of the personal relationship to nature once offered by living in the far north under the heaven of stars.
Hornaday, and in the Deep Ecology movement, associated with Arne Naess, a Norwegian philosopher and mountaineer, who, in the early seventies, noticed that some environmentalists had begun arguing that no species was of greater worth than another, and that ecosystems should be protected for their own sake, not simply to benefit mankind.
The Bells were very rich: but it was not money that got Gertrude a First at Oxford, or helped her survive encounters with murderous tribes in the desert, or made her a spy or a major in the British army, or qualified her as poet, scholar, historian, mountaineer, photographer, archaeologist, gardener, cartographer, linguist, and distinguished servant of the state.