"That force, applied over millions of years, can literally move mountains of rock around, " Beshore said.
But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.
"Little by little, I discovered the potential of technology and how it could really move mountains, " the 19-year-old sophomore said.
Other rich and famous folk have been inspired by their own medical conditions, or those of a child or spouse, to move mountains, usually without much success.
When women say we are no longer going to countenance back alley abortions, unequal pay, or under-representation in the halls of justice, politics or finance, the intention alone can move mountains.
FORBES: Halloween Birthdays Reveal the Power of Women's Choice
If they want to reverse the property tax numbers, cities could try to rush a housing recovery or push through the mountainous political battles of raising rates. (In California, they would need to move mountains.) Or they could just borrow the money.
As growers move higher into the mountains, they run into another problem: mountains have tops.
Plan Nord infrastructure development includes as a key focus extending provincial highway route 167 into the Otish Mountains, a move that is seen as a positive step for the development of mining in Quebec.
FORBES: Plan Nord's Extension of Route 167 Key for Mining in Northern Quebec: Stornoway CEO
It takes time to conceive projects, move peasants, survey land, flatten mountains and pour cement.
On Earth, the continents lie on tectonic plates that move relative to each other, creating mountains and deep sea shelves.
As in the book, the movie followed the Torrance family as they move to the Overlook Hotel in the Colorado mountains.
The animals were forced to leave the park and move into the even more remote Min Shan mountains in search of sustenance.
Equipment would have to move through towns along the narrow, twisting roads of the Shuf Mountains.