As well as learning how to use or reject infidelity or dating sites we have to learn to confront or embrace the past much more than ever.
"As of yesterday evening, they told me that when he was lifted out of the sedated state, he was moving his arms and legs much more than ever expected or hoped for, " Green tells NPR's Melissa Block.
Hurricane Katrina may have been much more than Warren ever bargained for.
Cuban women warmed to him much more than American girls ever had, he told Acevedo.
We are so much more capable than we ever give ourselves credit for.
And we, as I said earlier, are dealing with the legacy of decisions that have been made over the past many years -- not paying for a prescription drug benefit, not paying for wars, not paying for tax cuts -- that changed our fiscal situation much more markedly than anything ever had.
It is all much more than Brin and Page ever had in mind when they started.
"It is a much more pleasurable experience than they ever had before, " he said.
No doubt we will all soon know much more about this than we ever wanted to know.
Business is much more personal today than it ever was.
FORBES: Why is Iceland Messing With the World's Best Fishing Regime?
While electronics are more disposable today than ever, people are purchasing technology at full retail prices much more than they are luxury goods.
But without them, the workers they represent are paying for other people to get much more generous pensions than they will ever get themselves.
"The overall content, including the maps, text and photographs is very much more detailed than any other atlas ever produced, " said Alan Smith, Managing Director of Global Mapping.
"I think the Fed has established a menu of things that will give them much more power than they've ever had before, " says Peter Wallison, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a former general counsel to the U.S. Treasury Department.
That means your fate is much more in your hands than you may ever have thought.
The guy is so unbelievably fantastic, so much more athletic than any other golfer who ever played.
For this and a host of other reasons it makes sense for the industry to have a much more corporative labor relations culture than it ever has before.
And particularly now when just one individual can detonate a bomb that causes so much destruction, it is more important than ever that we pursue these strategies for peace.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
There is a much more international aspect to the gasoline market than ever before.
This year's results provided solid evidence that buyers are spending as much--or more--money than ever on the classics.
As you mature, you realize that this music has so much more dimension to it than you've ever seen before.
WSJ: The Importance of Second Chances | Yefim Bronfman | Cultural Conversation by David Mermelstein
As a working mom, I am constantly juggling, and more than ever, have too much to do.
The bottom line is that we are much more strongly related to each other today than we ever were before in this relationship.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
And it's enough to make people like Berlin businessman Horst Freiberg, who never felt much love for the euro currency, pine more than ever for the return of the German mark.
Its users may find the utility of searching their own social graph to be hit-or-miss, but they also may find themselves feeling much more exposed in the searches of others than they ever intended to be.
FORBES: Facebook Graph Search Is A Disruptive Minefield Of Unintended Consequences
This will make it impossible to campaign much in person: expensive television ads will matter more than ever.
Almost everything big we attempt now is much, much more complex and expensive than anything our ancestors could have ever imagined.
Unfortunately, while men say they feel more comfortable than ever before with playing second-paycheck fiddle to their wives, the reality is much more complex.
FORBES: Are Men The Latest Victims Of Media Misrepresentation?