MPs, lined up behind the plan to build a multi-storey hotel on top of it.
Children playing in a nearby garden saw her hanging from her bedroom window in the multi-storey block.
The development will also include a multi-storey car park with 1, 200 spaces, 200 more than the current site.
Northampton Castle will have a new station building and multi-storey car park, West Northamptonshire Development Corporation (WNDC) said.
The fees will apply to the multi-storey and north car parks and to spaces near the hospital's east entrance.
Suffolk Police believe Fiona Anderson, thought to be in her 20s, fell from a multi-storey car park in the town.
Meanwhile, emergency workers in Dar es Salaam have stopped rescue operations following the collapse of a multi-storey building on Friday.
On the grander dwellings a multi-storey tower, with lavish brickwork decoration and firing-slits, rises up to improve the household's field-of-fire.
The proposals would also see all parking, except at Shrewsbury's Raven Meadows multi-storey car park, made free on bank holidays.
The top two floors of a miserable grey carbuncle of a multi-storey car park have been transformed into a sculpture gallery.
Three student accommodation blocks are to be built on the council-owned car park in Madeira Road, along with a new multi-storey car park.
However, you can also look up from the half-timbered facades of "Tudorbethan" semis to see powering along the horizon a file of Le Corbusier-style multi-storey blocks.
But the problems are exacerbated in the multi-storey chips which IBM, as well as others, believe offer "one of the most promising approaches" for building future processors.
Nigel Bond, head of facilities at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, said land near the Leicester Tigers' stadium had planning permission for a multi-storey car park.
Councils were in part responsible for the construction of the ugly shopping malls and multi-storey car parks which have so scarred the centres of many cities and towns.
The mezzanine and food court will be created in the air space above the current station car park, while that car park will be replaced with a multi-storey parking facility.
BBC: Network Rail announces Queen Street station revamp plan
The family of a woman who died after falling from a Leicester multi-storey car park say they are angry at the care she received at a mental health unit in the city.
Mr Kreckeler said a plan in the 1970s to turn the site into a multi-storey car park was the inspiration for writing his book, called The Brothers Burial Ground, 1719 - 1948.
Since they are built on to a flat wafer, rather than etched out of it, layers of vertical transistors could even be constructed on top of one another, raising the intriguing possibility of multi-storey semiconductors.
With car-sharing, multi-storey car parks at stations and even bicycle hire added to its portfolio under Mr Mehdorn, Deutsche Bahn is sending the message that rail is only one part, albeit the core, of the services it provides.
Casa Maravilla, located next door, is owned by Belgian immigrant Marc Bautil and his wife Elvira, who was born in the Philippines and grew up in the US. The highlight of Maravilla is the beautiful multi-storey wooden bohio (a shack made of straw or wood, whose main living area has open sides and a view of the beach), providing a real Robinson Crusoe feel.