Multiculturalism, understood as the multiplication of experienced difference, is today at the forefront of social transformation.
They also argue that multiculturalism is an enrichment for the society as a whole.
That's not to say that there isn't a place for multiculturalism in the show.
We became familiar with multiculturalism, community organizing, public speaking, project planning and career development.
These two lefty wishes--greater economic equality and value-free multiculturalism--may live together peacefully in college political science departments.
Politicians, who until a few years ago were happy to talk up multiculturalism, have mainly fallen silent.
Indeed, multiculturalism has been strongly critiqued by two British prime ministers -- Tony Blair and David Cameron.
Large scale immigration would inevitably entrain a demand for some degree of multiculturalism.
The close parallels between this ideological-normative usage of multiculturalism and the United Nations' views on cultural diversity are clear.
"It's clear that a large minority across Europe isn't comfortable with these things, demographic change and multiculturalism, " Feldman said.
Labour's line seems to be that past immigration is a good thing and multiculturalism is part of being modern.
Speaking in Potsdam on Saturday, Chancellor Merkel told a gathering of young Christian Democrats that multiculturalism has failed.
CNN: Germany's Merkel is right -- multiculturalism has failed
France's integration model differs from the multiculturalism promoted in other countries, notably Britain.
ECONOMIST: A wounded nation resorts to extreme measures | The
This will clearly take time, and will involve some theatrics, like the somewhat forced multiculturalism of the Republican Convention.
This is or has been an important principle in Australia's policy on multiculturalism.
He accused the governing Labour Party of promoting multiculturalism and endangering Norway's identity.
In America the state of Minnesota is a perfect laboratory to see where economic equality and multiculturalism are in conflict.
The other is value-free multiculturalism--and please do not confuse this with the 18th-century truth that all men are created equal.
"It's clear that a large minority across Europe isn't comfortable with these things -- demographic change and multiculturalism, " Feldman said.
And before Europe ventures to teach Muslims about sensitivity to multiculturalism, it should look at its own chequered recent past.
It recommended boosting multiculturalism in the police force and the LAPD had slowly shifted to a more community-focused style of policing.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's statement last month that "multiculturalism has utterly failed, " for instance, is widely perceived as a watershed event.
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They cover a variety of subjects, including multiculturalism, the training of Adult Education champions and global citizenship education through the Model UN General Assembly.
The same figure in James Stirling's Neue Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart is perfectly in tune with the multiculturalism circulating in that eclectic building.
In the programmatic-political usage 'multiculturalism' refers to specific types of programs and policy initiatives designed to respond to and manage ethnic diversity.
What he apparently didn't realize is that Olmert's championing of an Israeli surrender to Syria stems from his devout adherence to multiculturalism.
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But most commentators still subscribe to multiculturalism as not just a worthwhile aspiration but as the only way of holding Canada together.
This latter intention is accompanied by all the easy moral prestige of multiculturalism, so it finds its champions on the erstwhile Left.
Do you think that multiculturalism and freedom of speech are ultimately incompatible?
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She has served as a wonderful example of multiculturalism and inclusion.