But it remains to be seen whether these country-to-country trade links will serve as building blocks or as substitutes for a wider, multilateralagreement.
The MultilateralAgreement on Investment (MAI) sought to ensure that companies investing abroad would receive compensation if they were nationalised as well as equal treatment with domestic firms.
The Protocol is a win-win outcome for the environment and economics: it is a multilateral environmental agreement that provides solutions to economics, and it is also an economic treaty that provides necessary protection for the environment.
He said the US would seek to reach an agreement for the funds owed to the multilateral donors, which include the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the International Development Association.
Of course, the big difference is that this is a multilateral, a six-nation process, where the 1994 agreement was more of a bilateral deal between the U.S. and North Korea.
Those who urge that a global World Trade Organization agreement is preferable to a series of bilateral and multilateral pacts ignore the WTO's very limited progress towards creating global free trade.