International students who do enroll at Hult's London branch are encouraged to take a three-pronged approach to the job hunt: seek sponsorship in the U.K., search for a job at a multinational company in their home country, or find a local company back home.
All four of the major multinational tobacco companies operate in the country, with all of them investing in facilities, brands, marketing and distribution.
Our air forces have expanded their interaction to include multinational air exercises hosted by each country, such as the U.S. RED FLAG and Brazilian CRUZEX exercises.
Soon thereafter, France, Italy and the United States formed a multinational force to help stabilize the country -- as differing factions of Arabs and Christians as well as the Israelis and Syrians were in a tangled web of conflict -- and allow PLO fighters to leave the country.
CNN: Before taking on Syria, U.S. should heed lesson of the past
One of the most profound was the emergence of multinational corporations, businesses based in one country that made much of their profit overseas.
With a population of 184 million, Brazil's potential internal market is large, and the country has attracted a host of multinational companies.
Time after time in my discussions with European Union officials on accounting issues relating to country by country reporting and the need for multinational corporations to be accountable to people in all the states in which they operate, these officials, whose support for IFRS brought this whole edifice to worldwide prominence, indicate that their support for it is wearing thin.
In 2011, the Nigerian government granted approvals to 19 multinational corporations to set up private refineries in the country.
FORBES: Nigerian Billionaire Dangote To Build $8 Billion Refinery, Donates $500,000 To UNICEF
Last week, the Australian government's annual budget revealed steps aimed at stopping domestic and multinational companies from "shifting" profits out of the country.
WSJ: Apple Pays No Tax on Much of Its Overseas Income, Senate Panel Finds
Washington has presented a draft resolution to the UN Security Council in an attempt to secure a multinational force for Iraq and boost UN involvement in the country's political future.
Multinational companies that respond to the survey have increasingly ranked developing-country host regions as highly important places to be investing in the next three years.
FORBES: Top 3 Countries To Invest In Next 3 Years, According To The U.N.
In a Pew Global Opinion survey last year, Slovaks were more enthusiastic than Americans, Swedes or Britons about multinational companies, with 72% agreeing that big foreign companies were good for their country, a European record (55% of French respondents thought foreign firms were bad for them, setting a record in the opposite direction).
Another problem is what some ministers call "the Honda problem" - the risk that multinational companies put further investment in Britain on hold while they wait to see if the country will stay in or get out of Europe.
BBC: Europe - Why Cameron's speech is proving so hard to write
For years multinational business looked beyond the Thai coups and other intrigue to see a populous, well-situated country ripe for investment.