The Truman Administration's handling of the war struck Americans as murderously uncertain and erratic.
There is no reason America and the West should subsidize this murderously corrupt regime.
Like other terrorist groups, albeit more murderously, they are especially victimising the tourist industry.
There is no Paul Volcker in charge of stopping deflation as he slaughtered double-digit inflation with murderously high interest rates.
While these may be fine for childless, petless owners, beware: Keepers at unattached houses did go murderously mad.
One would be hard put to find a more murderously emotional, know-nothing position than the one on DDT.
This detective story is a thrilling and eerily suggestive tour of a territory whose boundaries are maddeningly elusive, murderously fluid.
Steve Forbes and Jim Michaels said no: North Korea is run by a dictator as murderously rotten as Stalin and Hitler, if on a smaller scale.
The elections, for president this year and parliament next, will be murderously difficult to carry off, not least because of the paltry resources devoted to voter registration.
The terrorists now murderously afflicting Iraqis and coalition forces are emboldened by the prominence given by Western media and politicians to their attacks on innocent civilians and others.
The closer we look, the more hostile the planet seems: parched and frozen in every season, its atmosphere inert and murderously thin, its surface scoured by solar winds.
The plot is full of twists, the chronology is murderously tricky, and the dialogue is all weird, unaccountable spins every line comes at you like a screwball or a split-fingered fastball.
That would certainly have been true after their station was murderously attacked and (as Ms. Broadwell suggested to her audience in Denver) he swiftly established that it was a terrorist attack.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Petraeus, Benghazi and passing the smell test
The UN could even play the role of peacekeeper in parts of the globe that have no real strategic importance, such as it could have done--and murderously did not--in ethnically divided Rwanda in the mid-1990s.
Indeed, the decisive assistance France gave to the American revolutionaries did not reflect affection for those bent on ending royal misrule a phenomenon its own king would be murderously subjected to in short order.
In other words, the object of the exercise must be to understand how we got to the point in Libya where Shariah-adherent jihadists felt able to attack American facilities and diplomatic personnel murderously and with impunity.
What can be done about the fact that a murderously deranged young man with a lengthy police record had been found too unstable to be a student at a community college and had been rejected by the Army, yet had absolutely no problem buying an automatic weapon with an extended magazine and carrying it concealed anywhere he wanted?