Two well-heeled Japanese housewives murmur over their cups of coffee, while Mozart plays in the background.
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In this one the contestants invoke Voltaire on the streets and murmur sweet nothings in bed.
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There is a murmur of approval from the congregation as he begins to build the next cheese.
Before them the devout, kneeling in their sarongs, murmur prayers, light joss-sticks and touch their foreheads to the marble floor.
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Their further expansion plans have been eye-popping, but have not brought so much as a murmur from regulators.
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The image appeared on the back of "Murmur, " with a song list and photos of the four band members.
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But just before graduating from MIT, he says, a military physical showed that he had a heart murmur, disqualifying him.
The curators present his ideas without a murmur of dissent or skepticism.
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Denman was second in the 2010 Gold Cup and third in the Hennessy after treatment for a heart murmur which had threatened to end his career.
The one difference, say the Palestinians, is that Mr Netanyahu was lambasted for these policies while Mr Barak has continued them with barely a murmur of disapproval.
Since I do not know the nature of your heart murmur or extent of your dental work, I will provide some general information about antibiotics and dental procedures.
CNN: Why do I no longer need an antibiotic before teeth cleaning?
Yet, in recent years, acquisitions of American energy-related assets by state-owned oil firms such as Saudi Arabia's Aramco and Venezuela's PDVSA failed to elicit so much as a murmur.
His first work for The New Radiophonic Workshop takes audio from 25 previous projects featured on the website - from theatre performances to poetry readings - creating a "curious murmur of activity".
The memorial has generated only a bare murmur of controversy, compared to the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, for example, whose design provoked a huge, if short-lived, outcry from the very group it was designed to honor.
Insiders in those talks murmur about them becoming a "university seminar", with the industry trying to wring concessions from Mr Letwin as a delaying tactic until the phone hacking hue and cry has died down.
It says much for the tenor of Russian politics that this and other confusions of the moment were swallowed with barely a murmur of disquiet by the financial markets and with no more than a few uneasy gulps by international opinion.
David paused before he opened the back door, enjoying a moment alone in the humming dark that was always nervous with the noise from the motorway: not a roar, but a thin murmur of movement that sucked substance from everything it reached.
Sometimes, when Cuca had learned to play a whole piece, the maid and the cook would come to listen, too, and the lawyer, filled with pride, would hear them murmur words of praise, which struck him at first as excessive, but then, on reflection, seemed perfectly apt.
In England, Scotland and Wales, patients with angina, valvular heart disease, a heart murmur or heart failure do not have to tell the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and can continue to drive a car a month after an episode as long as their doctor says they are fit to.