Murphy was heard muttering his famous phrase and his smart project manager wrote it down.
"All the signs point to Boris winning by a small margin of between 2% and 8%, " said Murphy.
Hinds and Murphy were found guilty of ill-treating 12 different outpatients between them at the centre.
BBC: Disabled patients abuse: Two Solar Centre carers guilty
Gardner robbed Murphy of extra bases with two spectacular catches the previous two nights.
Upton's error on Daniel Murphy's RBI single and scoring on a wild pitch by Anthony Varvaro.
When police found the two victims, Murphy was still holding Hockley in her arms.
The body of Carmelita Stevens, Murphy's girlfriend, was found in a state of decomposition.
Police confirmed that Murphy was not the father of any of the children rescued.
Bill Knott signalled for a fresh Bushmills, John Murphy for a pint of stout.
In fact, notes Murphy, 14 of the 19 commodities in the index saw losses on Thursday.
But even with the poorly planned--or perhaps unplanned--handling, Murphy had little, if any, career fallout.
Murphy's opposite-field home run to left leading off the fourth tied it at 2.
Then Shaun Murphy headed over the top after a free-kick given when Peter Hawkins fouled Asaba.
Murphy's opposite-field home run to left leading off the fourth tied the score at 2.
Murphy went 4 for 4, doubled twice and walked, and totaled 10 hits in the series.
Murphy and Wright doubled to start the sixth to give Niese a two-run cushion.
"Eddie Murphy knows he doesn't have to worry about someone asking for his autograph, " she says.
All the more reason for Murphy to get the ball to the highest bidder immediately.
Daniel Murphy singled with one away and David Wright walked to get the rally started.
Obama singled out Brian Murphy, the first to arrive, who, he said, suffered 12 bullet wounds.
Motherwell striker Jamie Murphy fired Billy Stark's visitors ahead on 19 minutes in Iceland.
Associated Press writers Bridget Murphy, Rodrique Ngowi and Steve LeBlanc in Boston, Michelle R.
Mrs Murphy took advantage of an offer to UK pubs to use imported cards.
As Bervy, her rival, ends his tour of Checkerboard, Murphy asks him what he thought.
Murphy believes he has found a perfect fit for Bervy: the Checkerboard Cattle Co.
Associated Press writer Brian Murphy contributed to this report from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Brighton had an opportunity to reply immediately, but Murphy kept out Mackail-Smith's shot from 12 yards.
"He was under the influence and direction of his father at the time, " said Judge Murphy.
Bildt's spokesman, Colum Murphy, said Saturday he believes Karadzic's reign will soon be up.
Harrington finished 14 shots behind the halfway-stage leaders, Ireland's Gary Murphy and Swede Niclas Fasth.