The Wellcome Collection is a museum on the Euston Road, next door to the trust.
Cross the river at the Museum of Science and pedal back on the Cambridge side.
After exiting the museum, head to Susan Maasch Fine Art, on Congress St.
Silecchia believes the museum will be like walking through a horror show for some visitors.
Once the project is completed, performances will increase and museum opening hours will be extended.
The Morbid Anatomy Museum is open Wednesday to Monday, 12 pm to 6 pm.
From the museum's third-floor sculpture terrace, a silvery pedestrian bridge arches over to Millennium Park.
The second-largest art museum in the country hangs masterpieces aplenty, especially Impressionist and Post-Impressionist pieces.
Try the Museo del Juguete Antiguo Mexico (MUJAM), or Mexican Antique Toy Museum.
The Museo de Tequila y Mezcal (Museum of Tequila and Mezcal) opened in December 2010.
The 10-room museum contains gold-handled pistols with jewel inlays and cars with false compartments.
It is a collaborative project between the The Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and Meadow Arts.
An abandoned auto dealership has been converted into the 22, 000-square-foot Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit.
The city has enough interesting landmarks to be a museum in its own right.
After a few weeks, I could walk into the museum with my eyes closed.
The findings were presented during the second meeting of Historic Archaeology, in Mexico's National History Museum.
In addition to world-class Chinese and Pacific Island displays, the museum boasts a fine Native American collection.
Each has its own traditions, symbol and colours, as well as its own church and palio museum.
The museum granted him access to its files, and in 1986 Gallenkamp finally got down to work.
Grasse also boasts the early medieval Notre Dame du Puy Cathedral and the International Perfume Museum.
After about four miles, the path comes to an abrupt end at the Museum of Science.
Cut to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, located eight blocks away, just inside Central Park.
The collection was the basis for the Peabody Essex Museum that subsequently also reflects Salem's rich maritime history.
This first-rate museum, designed by illustrious architect IM Pei, is the crown jewel of Portland's thriving art scene.
Today, the house is a museum and sits virtually hidden in the windy Laurel Highlands of western Pennsylvania.
BBC: From Warhol to Wright: An arty trip through Pennsylvania
It is also worth popping in to Al Ain National Museum for an overview of the region's history.
He returned to New York and, in 1935, at age 51, became director of the Natural History Museum.
The Louvre gets its particular character because it evolved into a museum rather than being designed as one.
The hottest exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) right now is a 340-ton boulder.
For the moment, part of that history is still living, in the house behind the museum.