Last Friday, there was an imaginative and captivating Berluti presentation at the Museum of Natural History.
The Field Museum of Natural History sports one of the largest, most complete Tyrannosaurus rex fossils around.
Afterward, he came to New York to make a pilgrimage to the American Museum of Natural History.
This time, she hopes to visit the American Museum of Natural History and the ground zero memorial.
Sikkel and his team have sent some to the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
And it even dusts off the dinosaur bones at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
He has given twenty million to the American Museum of Natural History, whose dinosaur wing is named for him.
This solution has been deployed successfully at a few locations, including at the American Museum of Natural History.
FORBES: Smartphone Location Tools Are Great ... Until You Get to the Front Door
Holding very still in the snake exhibit at the Museum of Natural History.
Exuberantly, he submitted the results to the Young Naturalist Awards, a national contest run by the American Museum of Natural History.
WSJ: A Youngster's Bright Idea Is Something New Under the Sun; Scientist Is 13-Year-Old Aidan Dwyer
The Dromaeosaur fossil, on loan from China, is being displayed for the first time at the American Museum of Natural History.
Soon, children may walk into the Museum of Natural History, look a life-sized velociraptor in the eye, and watch it scamper lightly away.
And yet "we only know the tip of the iceberg, " says ecologist Benoit Fontaine of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.
A. has formed alliances with many companies and institutions, including the Boston Public Library, the American Museum of Natural History, and Johns Hopkins University.
"It is hugely significant, " said paleoanthropologist Ian Tattersall of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, who wasn't involved in the work.
Museum of Natural History, would serve to enhance the accessibility of scientific information and knowledge for the visitors, especially for young boys and girls.
He cites Harvard University's glass-flower collection at its Museum of Natural History as an inexhaustible cache of ideas, for form, content and sheer brazen originality.
There is only one other mounted skeleton of its kind in existence, says Miles, and it's at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh.
He gazed upon his beloved dinosaur bones at the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, then traveled with his wife Marianne to visit relatives in Pennsylvania.
Experts from the Virginia Museum of Natural History authenticated the eggs and determined them to be about 60 million years old, ICE said in the statement.
Think, for example, about how the American Museum of Natural History is using location-based technology to give visitors information on exhibits through their mobile devices.
FORBES: To Regain Its Educational Lead, The U.S. Must Look To Entrepreneurs
The American Museum of Natural History has enlisted all manner of multi-media gizmos and high-tech gadgets to bring the story of the Endurance expedition to life.
Aidan Dwyer won the Young Naturalist Award from the American Museum of Natural History after studying tree branch patterns during hikes through the forests of the Catskill Mountains.
The Museum of Natural History's director, Henry Fairfield Osborn, believed northeastern Asia had been the Garden of Eden for mammalian life, and Andrews set out to prove it.
He joined a team of researchers sent to Mauritania by the Museum of Natural History in Paris, an institution he was to be associated with all his life.
He will set up shop over lunch at the Ocean Grill, opposite the Museum of Natural History, and work his phone until all the other patrons have left.
Leader Joseph DiCostanzo, an ornithologist at the American Museum of Natural History, says his outings have become so popular that waiting lists start forming days after subscriptions go on sale.
You might assume that an indoor navigation app for, say, the American Museum of Natural History has the same primary concern: getting you from the main entrance to the T-Rex.
FORBES: Smartphone Location Tools Are Great ... Until You Get to the Front Door
Grab a bagel with cream cheese and lox and head east to the intriguing, esoteric American Museum of Natural History, which is housed in a massive 19th-century Beaux Arts building off Central Park West.
"Our research shows that, at times, tiger sharks and thresher sharks don't swim randomly but swim to specific locations, " said research leader Yannis Papastamatiou from the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville.