Epic lyrics are performed to musical accompaniment on instruments such as the ''morin khuur'' (horse-head fiddle) and ''tovshuur'' (lute).
Over the 40-year history of the animated program, the jazzy musical accompaniment has become just as recognizable as the storyline.
It is performed, usually sitting, to the musical accompaniment of a duduk during weddings, birthdays, christenings and major national cultural events.
Clergy from the four main Christian denominations in Northern Ireland said prayers, while a military marching band provided a solemn musical accompaniment.
This silent animations were brought to life with musical accompaniment from multi-instrumentalist Kieron Maguire who provided a semi-improvised score using guitar and viola.
That would certainly be more tranquil than this farrago, which allows no sequence, however fleeting or slight, to pass without a crunching musical accompaniment.
Traditionally sung by a Manaschi without musical accompaniment, epic performances takes place at social gatherings, community celebrations, ceremonies such as weddings and funerals and dedicated concerts.
Although her performances at the State Bar in Glasgow are mainly a one-woman show about her life, she is joined on stage by her brother "Big Tam" McGarvey, who will be her musical accompaniment.
Violins, guitars and drums provide the musical accompaniment.
Such sentimental versions of the familiar story remind us that carolling, like the pub sing-along, has always been a way of bringing groups of ordinary people together around a musical accompaniment, to enjoy each other's company and celebrate a festive occasion.
The traditional style involves a large circle of dancers, sometimes with onlookers who sing an accompaniment without musical instrumentation.
Characterized by the accompaniment of the ''saz, '' a stringed musical instrument, the classical repertoire includes 200 songs, 150 literary-musical compositions known as ''dastans, '' nearly 2, 000 poems in different traditional poetic forms and numerous stories.