But for streaming content, Netflix must have a contract in place on an ongoing basis.
She must have a robust constitution, he thought, immune to colds and despair, unsentimentally surviving.
The argument that Parliament has become ineffectual must have a hollow ring to government ministers.
You must have a robust distribution strategy that is going to drive people to download it.
An adviser must have a rounded-out picture of the investor to offer a valuable assessment.
Renters must have a signed OK for pets from their landlord, and so forth.
FORBES: ASJ: What was Maisey��s life like before you got her?
To achieve successful modernization, the Russian government must have a strategic, forward-looking investment strategy.
Free can help you or hurt you, and you must have a strategy to manage it.
FORBES: How to Fight Back Against Disruption and Compete with Free
Brandeis advocated industrial democracy: workers must have a voice in how a business is run.
Any trading system that uncovers alpha must have a justification for why the strategy works.
Every foreigner in Italy for more than 90 days must have a residence permit.
In order for such a strategy to be successful, we must have a trustworthy, reliable partner.
We must have a positive approach, absolutely, and forget the first leg in effect.
You must have a plan and an executable system to implement that plan.
Meanwhile, Iain Duncan Smith did it again - he must have a new script writer.
It is precisely on these three issues that we must have a dialogue for the future.
UNESCO: Dialogue among civilizations: Address by Alexandre Yakovlev (Russian Federation)
Every train must have a driver to ensure the safe and effective running of the Underground.
Parliament, it ruled, must have a greater say over any future "large-scale" rescue packages.
Entrepreneurs must have a business that is incorporated in the United States before their fundraising begins.
FORBES: What Does The Crowdfunding Bill Mean For Women Entrepreneurs?
The second lesson is that we must have a level playing field in international trade.
Legally, if you are the owner of a stand, you must have a license.
If you love your neighbour, you must have a view on policies that affect his welfare.
Users must have a TiVo Premiere or TiVo Premiere XL box and an existing account with TiVo.
ENGADGET: TiVo Premiere UI gets a shot in the arm with iPad remote control
The federal government must have a warrant before it can search through stored e-mails, the court said.
To interest me, a game must have a simple but thought-provoking premise that allows for deep strategy.
The fact is that any country, if it wants to remain strong, must have a manufacturing base.
So if you want a strong manufacturing economy you must have a strong and efficient services economy.
FORBES: New Free Trade Talks On Services Key To U.S. Job Growth
First, any action taken by individual states must have a clear objective so that oversight is possible.
My great-grandfather made a rule that every child in the family must have a name of the Buddha.
FORBES: Sugata Mitra: An Interview with the 2013 TED Prize Winner
Of course, there are those who simply must, must have a spa with all the bells and whistles.