Last November, it projected a light creating a 40-foot blue mustache on London's Big Ben.
Ainley has a thick white mane and a white mustache which spreads across his rugged face.
"The prevailing image of Booth is one of a two-dimensional, mustache-twirling villain, " Johnson says.
He wears a thick, curly mustache, and his face is long and straight, like a Balinese mask.
With his neat mustache and well-cut jackets, Khazaee looks like the very model of an earnest diplomat.
"Don't try to be like them, " said the 26-year-old with a round face and a faint mustache.
Pepper cut outs that came inside, there was the cut-out mustache, the stripes and badges of the Sgt.
Visitors to the region, too, have long seen a value in growing a mustache to help earn respect.
Outside the rowdy Baltimore locker room, a Ravens admirer in a scarf and oversized mustache chatted with passersby.
To finish the look, his tidy mustache and makeup-free face communicate inner pain and attrition, if not overt repentance.
In the lawsuit, Snyder claims that a mocked up caricature of him, with devil horns and mustache, is anti-Semitic.
Have you had to restrain yourself from rushing at Joba Chamberlain with a razor and shaving off his mustache?
It was a sad face, blue, with big round glasses and a mustache like a pair of bluebird wings.
To test his theory, he decided to do something drastic: he shaved off the left side of his mustache.
"Lucky Guy, " starring Tom Hanks sporting a wedge of a mustache, focuses on Mike McAlary, the city's one-time dominant tabloid reporter.
The 43-year-old man in the worn-out navy jersey looks lifeless today - pale, round face, unkempt beard and mustache, eyes closed.
Sherepita was a burly man in his thirties with a shaved head and tattoos, a goatee and a Fu Manchu mustache.
At a cocktail event in Perth the night before the flight, he had his legs shaved, but managed to keep his mustache.
The mustache debuted in spring training, but its true public unveiling came on opening day, in a cold and emptying Yankee Stadium.
Because Mike is only a bunch of mathematical algorithms, he can change hairdos or sport a mustache with only a few keystrokes.
He looked younger without his mustache, or perhaps it was the red moccasins, one of which still lay upturned on the grass.
Dujardin, with a pencil mustache, looks a little like John Gilbert, but his cavorting star is meant to be a Fairbanks equivalent.
He came home with half a mustache, clutching a bouquet of anemones.
He insists he grew his mustache only because his father had one.
WSJ: The Baseball Mustache: A Tradition With All the Trimmings
Conte, who is sixty, has a thin mustache and wears small wire-frame glasses that give him the appearance of a barrel-chested laboratory chemist.
Ecevit, a short, slight man whose big spectacles, fierce mustache and ever-present blue cap made him instantly recognizable, was always a strong secularist.
Surgeons say many patients request the full-bodied mustache worn by Turkish singer Ibrahim Tatlises, which has long set the standard for top-drawer whiskers.
Its founder and director is David Kelley, who, with a thick black mustache and black-framed eyeglasses, looks like Groucho Marx, without the cigar.
"The King"--at 73 still swaggering in his cowboy hat, sunglasses, skinny jeans and mustache--is a living legend, the Babe Ruth of the oval.
The notion of a man's personal honor being bound up with his mustache appears to have survived into more recent times in some areas.