Some scientists believe that they can cause cells to mutate and turn into a cancer cell.
Antibiotics lose their effectiveness over time, as bacteria naturally evolve and mutate, becoming resistant.
Instead, the bacteria can quickly mutate to become resistant to the other drugs in the cocktail.
Figuring out which new viruses could mutate into the next pandemic won't be easy.
But it underscores the bigger fear: that the disease might mutate and become broadly infectious.
If not, Asia's cautious naval build-up could indeed mutate into a classic, old-fashioned arms race.
Obviously, minerals do not have genes and thus cannot mutate as living things do.
Inadequate treatment allows the TB bacteria to mutate into a stronger form, fueling drug resistance.
If swine flu can mutate to spread between humans, what does this mean for avian flu?
The cells that survive have an opportunity to mutate and become the next-generation cancer cells.
Some parts of its vast Baghdad compound will mutate into foreign embassies or consulates.
Narrow investigations can mutate into broad ones that cost tens of millions of dollars.
Some of the aliens mutate wildly, which would allow del Toro to create dozens of extreme incarnations.
The bugs mutate, and we try to find way to cure a disease caused by mutated virus.
Infection across Africa would increase the probability that the virus will mutate to become transmissible between humans.
But the few microbes that are able to survive a drug assault mutate rapidly into resistant strains.
But without a Rove indictment, the affair looks unlikely to mutate in the way the left hopes.
Or once the fungus got to the States, did it evolve and mutate into a more virulent form?
If it runs rampant, it can mutate into an unwillingness to listen to and accept input from others.
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Keyes finds that quotations tend to mutate in the direction of greater pith.
"Fraudulent activity across the Internet continues to evolve and mutate, " writes CareerBuilder spokeswoman Jennifer Sullivan Grasz in an email.
S. aureus is a small, gold-colored bacteria that is often among the first to out-mutate antibiotics designed to kill it.
But as above, is it even possible that this can mutate into a threat to Google on any serious level?
These viral stalwarts then mutate to escape detection and start to flourish, expanding until new antibodies are generated to dispatch them.
The zombie virus could mutate, and before you know it, some undead person is doing your job for half the pay.
This has managed to mutate to resist even the antibiotic described as the "last line of defence" against such staph infections.
Chinese scientists are concerned over whether the new H7N9 bird flu will mutate and pose a bigger threat, Global Times reports.
Republicans parlay free market principles into votes, but rapidly mutate into big spenders once they too can dispense from the public purse.
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But over time some of these harmless cancers mutate and turn aggressive, growing so much they can be detected in a biopsy.
Occasionally, though, the viruses that cause them mutate into something truly nasty.