Maybe my best friend and I are best friends because we share common interests.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Please don't personalize me. I know who I am
If my best friend from kindergarten has three kids already, am I waiting too long?
My best friend and her family are vacationing in Thailand on Koh Khao Island in Thailand.
No wonder my electrician has become my best friend, visiting us on average twice a week.
And I came together and collaborated with my best friend and co-founder, Tracy Coley.
"I have lost my mother, my mentor and my best friend, " Jeanne Phillips said in a statement.
My best friend from grammar school named his son Waylon, and that was way back in Georgia.
Perabo: Well, last time between jobs, I drove cross-country with my best friend.
"My brother is not just brother -- he's my best friend, " he said.
"Today I lost my best friend, " Cropper wrote on his Facebook page.
My best friend has a degree in electrical engineering, and he is working at a nothing job in a hotel.
Several years ago, at the age of 21, I attended the graduation ceremony at Barnard College of my best friend.
"In the end my best friend did not turn up to the wedding either and the friendship never survived, " he says.
" And armed with that knowledge, he declared, "So the tomato is a fruit and it is now my best friend.
My best friend dead, miss you so much baby girl, my princess.
Amsterdam wasn't Israel, but it was close enough for my best friend to agree to fly there to be with me for a few days.
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Columbia negotiated the deal with a group of 33 elite writers, including Ron Bass (My Best Friend's Wedding, Stepmom) and Nicholas Kazan (Reversal of Fortune).
"He was my best friend, " says Huang in his American-accented English.
My best friend worked on the Lisa, back in the day.
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What is best for the group has nothing to do with what is best for my best friend, even though she is low-risk and 46 years old.
"I just don't understand how you can possibly think that the Commodore 64 is a better machine than the Apple IIe, " I told my best friend in eighth grade.
In 1976, as a very young entrepreneur (no one would hire me, so I had to work for myself), I launched my first business, and my best friend did my taxes.
She was like my friend - my best friend.
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The funny thing is that I find the opinion of someone I don't know more telling than my best friend's, because, well, my best friend is pretty predictable, and that's exactly why he's my best friend.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Please don't personalize me. I know who I am
Lastly, today my best friend Steven M.
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