The men I spoke to, including my boyfriend of eight years, thought I was nuts.
Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend is a 99 cent solution to that question.
My boyfriend reaches his hand out to calm him and Lamby lunges, biting him.
My boyfriend nods, a good sport with a long red scratch on his forearm.
Or so I say to my boyfriend when he rolls his eyes the way he does.
Seven years after I uprooted my life to be with my boyfriend, he left me.
My boyfriend stayed in the chugging cab while the grandmother and I hugged on the stoop.
CNN: Stranger's unexpected generosity makes a big impression
"I have not proposed to my boyfriend, drunkenly or otherwise, " she said in a statement.
Kamsler is "not my boyfriend, not my roommate, not my lover -- my spouse, " said Lyles.
"I broke my two front teeth while my boyfriend was chasing me around the room, " she remembered.
An hour or so later, I was watching my boyfriend finish dinner when my cell phone buzzed.
CNN: Stranger's unexpected generosity makes a big impression
In 1997, here in Nashville, my boyfriend Chris Fletcher and I bought a house in a Mayberry-for-eccentrics-type neighborhood.
Minutes later, my boyfriend and I found ourselves in a cab going to the grandmother's house in the Bronx.
CNN: Stranger's unexpected generosity makes a big impression
On Sunday, my boyfriend and I were out for a holiday shopping stroll.
"My boyfriend and now-husband was furious when I chose Mario Brothers, " she says.
"Mama is afraid that I will be cheated by my boyfriend, " says Pooky.
You put other girls off if you go 'That's my boyfriend up there'.
My boyfriend's brother is coaching the men's lightweight rowing and his brother's girlfriend is rowing in the women's double scull.
No immortal lines this week, and my boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, I should say, has decided that our poetics are incompatible.
"The first person I'll speak to is my boyfriend Mark, " she said.
In my last relationship, I went wherever my boyfriend wanted to go and would often change my plans to be with him.
My boyfriend and my neighbors over me, we got a rescue boat.
In the summer, my boyfriend gets a job in the local garage, so his clothes smell of petrol and his hands smell of money.
He penned the No. 1 hit "My Boyfriend's Back" in 1963 while working in the storied Brill Building, just as girl groups hit the airwaves.
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My boyfriend, Thurman, the head basketball coach for Southern University, was off on a recruiting trip, but right then I missed Dad more than Thurman.
But after my boyfriend and I did what couples normally do, friend each other on Facebook, I quickly morphed into someone, well, kind of creepy.
Setting off with empty stomachs, my boyfriend and I asked the front desk at our hotel for directions, but the clerk raised her eyebrows in alarm.
In the afterglow of my Paris vacation, my boyfriend and I arranged to swap homes with a couple from Los Angeles for five days over Christmas.
People began to raise the issue with my boyfriend, insisting that he open his eyes to the pathetic state of maternal want I was so clearly in.