"I promise you, my brothers and sisters, to complete the goals of the revolution and provide security and stability to the Egyptian people, " he said in a written statement Friday.
"My brothers and sisters have my full love and support, and we've certainly shared many great experiences, but at this time I have no plans to record or tour with them, " he said.
Maybe more of my brothers and sisters in Washington need to get outside the Beltway, hit the road and discover the far more expansive America that is happening outside Washington, Maryland, Virginia, New York and New Jersey.
Fifty years ago this month I visited the White House with my parents and my brothers and sisters to visit a young President who went on to show great strength, leadership and vision in the face of enormous challenges in those times.
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We did our radio show from our farmhouse and my brothers and sisters would do the chores, milk the cows, come in and have breakfast and then my dad would crank the phone on the wall to let the engineer in Springfield, Missouri know that we were ready to do the show.
Happy Labor Day, everybody. (Applause.) I want to say thank you to the Milwaukee Area Labor Council and all of my brothers and sisters in the AFL-CIO for inviting me to spend this day with you -- (applause) -- a day that belongs to the working men and women of America.
One day, I hope I am able to return to Tehran to stand, greet and be among my Iranian brothers and sisters once again.
"I have a responsibility towards my Muslim brothers and sisters, " he told the BBC.
"I have nothing but respect for my Muslim brothers and sisters, " he said.
To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me.
My mother loves that house (she kept it after my abuela passed away) she and her sisters grew up there, and so did my brothers and my cousins.
WHITEHOUSE: Renewing the American Dream: Education, the Great Equalizer | The White House
Six of my sisters and brothers disappeared during this period.
And on that day my village was burned and 21 of my family members killed, two of my sisters raped, and two of my grandparents burned alive, and three of my brothers killed.
He states he "never had the opportunity to have a family of my own" but doesn't elaborate, only issues a threat to the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children of LAPD officers.