My truck driver and I will get in that big old truck, and we'll head down the road and make about two Wendy's stops on the way and be in Louisville, Ky.
At 3am on Thursday morning my friend and driver Soewarno and I headed to the village.
My father, my mother, our driver and I were on our way to Kataragama, where there is a famous shrine.
"My husband is a driver and I want to buy another car for him so that we can start our own business, " she said.
There are no cars allowed on beach so they looked after my luggage as the driver and I took off to look for the hotel on foot.
After a scant few hours in Austin, I arrived back at the airport to find that I had lost my driver's license and the only way I managed to get on the plane was to show them the only I.
Around the time I got my driver's license my priorities shifted and I did what seemed like the sensible thing, following the lead of my former colleague Thomas Ricker by heading off to Ohio University intending to major in computer science.
Bentley driver are entitled to bragging rights, and my driving partner and I have a few that we garnered on the no-restriction zones of the autobahn, where we clocked a cool 170 mph and change.
After touring extensively to support her 2004 debut Everything I've Got in My Pocket, Driver has toured Europe and the U.S. extensively, in the process converting once-skeptical fans.
Thus, I have decided to use the BlackBerry Z10 as my sole device and daily driver for thirty days.
When we arrived at the hotel where I was staying the driver again completed the order with my drop-off time and took my credit card using the tablet.
So I called my driver, who arrived on back of his bicycle because the streets were passable for cars, and I put on a burkha and he cycled me through the crowds.
Somewhat stupefied, I hailed the next cab in line and politely asked the driver if I could sit up front as it was easier for my leg.