Six years ago, my younger brother Peter, who was my closest friend and the only remaining member of my immediate family, ended his life.
Growing up outside of Los Angeles, my first summer jobs introduced me to role models that helped me become the first member of my family to go to college, and put me on a lifelong career path.
In my distress I reached out to a diary of another beloved family member long gone, my Grandfather, whose papers I had managed to photocopy, and have wanted to study.
"That was the last member of my family I needed to find, " he said.
What would you recommend to a friend or family member in my situation?
Anecdotally, a member of my family did buy one this week and had it with him the other night.
FORBES: Judging From Apple's Apology, Maps Matter and Nokia Has Maps That Work
Some violent dose of medication shrunk the squash-sized lump then, and earned him and us a year-long reprieve during which that initially jealous beast became a member of my family -- our family.
Twenty-two percent say no -- 10 percent say, yes, I lost my job -- 58 percent tell us, yes, a friend or family member lost their job -- and 10 percent say, yes, I lost my job and know others who have as well -- Ali.
Commitment to this study requires my signature along with the signature of a family member who may not fully understand the reasoning behind the decision.
"In my opinion, had there not been an interested family member, the business would have been sold, " says Collings, 74.
The choices, no, yes, I lost a job, yes, a friend or family member, yes, I lost my job and know others who have, too, which takes us to jobs and retaining as it's playing out on Main Street, North Carolina, the town, Spruce Pine, North Carolina.
And I don't know if some male member of the family can contract on my life here.
Like that 30-minute, long-distance haranguing from a member of my ex-husband's family asking me why I was "damaging" my child by "labeling" him.
It was my mother, usually the least ardent member of our family, the one ordinarily quieting the rest of us when we turned demonstrative, who all at once found the sound of Bengelsdorf 's southern accent so intolerable that she had to leave the room.
Something held me back: Bubblegum, my first pet and a shell-carrying member of the Helicidae family.
The question: have you or someone you know lost your job? 19 percent of respondents said no, 14 percent, yes, I lost my job. 54 percent tell Facebook yes, a friend or family member lost a job, and 13 percent say yes, I lost a job and I know others who have as well.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
"I had a disgusting member of the family who behaved inappropriately when I was in my teens, " she said.
The Plymouth continued as an indispensable member of the family during our new life in San Diego, with my mother dropping my dad at work in the mornings so she could use the car for errands and shopping.
So my greatest recommendation is that people should not be afraid to ask for help from either a family member or ask that family member to access help from a public source or a non-profit agency.
From my experience as a physician, I find that the love and support of a spouse or a family member is the most soothing gift, bringing peace and serenity to those critically ill.
FORBES: ER Doc's Letter To Surviving Spouse Goes Viral (2M+ hits) On Reddit
In my twenty years as a doctor in the Emergency Room, I have never written to a patient or family member, as our encounters are typically hurried and do not always allow for more personal interaction.
FORBES: ER Doc's Letter To Surviving Spouse Goes Viral (2M+ hits) On Reddit