Ms. MARY CHAPIN CARPENTER (Singer): My name is Mary Chapin Carpenter, and I was named after both my father and my mother.
My father, my mother, our driver and I were on our way to Kataragama, where there is a famous shrine.
In the waiting room as we checked into the hospital, his father sat next to my mother and I remember the image of him exactly: olive skin, broad face, and long shiny hair, his head held in his big hands as if it had cut loose from his body.
Growing up I lived with my mother, my father, two older siblings and my grandparents, and I can truly say that I had the best experiences in life.
They said that because I was darker than Father and Mother I was really the son of my great-grandfather, who was, by all accounts, nearly as dark as I am.
One winter day, a pipe burst in our basement, and my mother had no idea what to do, so I called my father and figured out how to fix it.
My father was out fire watching and I well remember my mother and I making a dive for the Anderson shelter, mother clutching the large brown handbag containing birth certificates, insurance policies, bank books, identity cards etc - not forgetting our precious ration books.
My father left when I was two years old, leaving her -- my mother and my grandparents to raise me.
Some afternoons, Mother disappeared and I would not let on to Father that my heart was thumping at the base of my ears.
Father and Mother, I will sing about the great sun all my life.
My mother was rabidly Irish and my father rabidly Catholic so it was perhaps inevitable that as a boy I would rabidly root for Notre Dame.
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My mother wrote letters to my father in the summer she rode with the Freedom Riders, and you know, I think that even as she might have imagined such a moment, I don't know if she would have believed that it could occur in her lifetime.
My father Leonel and mother Adriana have given me their support and have helped me a great deal and still to this day I can always count on them.
He tried to do all of the right things for me in the time that we had together, but I was a quiet kid and like many boys related more with my mother than my father.
My partner will make a great father, and he will learn about it the same way I learn to be a mother: as we go along!
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