She nodded at my grandfather while pointing the burning tip of her cigarette at me.
Most days my grandfather sits at his computer, playing chess online with old friends.
My grandmother met my grandfather in Chicago in the Montgomery Ward building in the 1940s.
"The cemetery is where my grandfather is buried, my great-grandfather, for many generations back, " Guez says.
"My grandfather started it in 1922, " says head of the company Lena Alette Moen Grude.
My grandfather was an OBE and he was awarded a necklace for his wife.
"I used to go door-to-door with my grandfather, selling brooms and washcloths, " Wright recalls.
You know, emotionally it was a ranch that had been put together by my grandfather.
My grandfather was nine, and he ran out of the house in just his shirtsleeves.
My mum insisted on going to my grandfather's house to find out some news.
My grandfather felt certain that he would see her at the service to honor the blacksmith.
My grandfather served in World War II and was a Montford Point Marine.
"My grandfather still wakes up in the morning (and) reads the newspaper, " the 35-year-old said.
Bill, including my grandfather, helped build the most prosperous economy the world has ever known.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Associated Press Luncheon
My grandfather told me that Oakland, was built up by earthquake survivors who moved across the bay.
After dinner my grandmother lit a cigarette and my grandfather poured three glasses of homemade black currant vodka.
First of all, my grandfather paid those taxes out of his net wages, which had already been taxed.
The day after Pearl Harbor my grandfather signed up for duty, joined Patton's army and marched across Europe.
My grandfather fought in World War II and then he got his college education on the GI Bill.
And later, inside my grandfather's house, I pushed open the shutters of a window, finely latticed with woodworm.
My Grandmother once told me about a business decision my Grandfather, Benjamin Bornstein, made during the Great Depression.
She held me by the hand and said, 'I've come to see what you did with my grandfather's book.
My grandfather is old, he couldn't walk for long and needed regular breaks.
His father, my grandfather, was a cook, a domestic servant to the British.
Millions of returning heroes, including my grandfather, had the opportunity to go to school because of the GI Bill.
FORBES: Full Text: President Obama's Address To Congress On His Jobs Plan
When he turned eight, my grandfather started taking the sheep to pasture in the green, quiet fields above Galina.
For weeks, my grandfather sat in the long-stemmed grass and pored over the brown volume with its soft pages.
Now, my grandfather learned, the gun would be used to kill the tiger.
My father was at it and my grandfather and his father before him.
My grandfather had served in World War II, and so had my great-uncle.