In the late nineties, an insurance conglomerate made an offer for my grandparents' company.
Currently, most schools are not much different than the one my grandparents attended in the 1920s.
When the dumplings were ready, my grandparents, Julie and I would gather around the kitchen table.
My grandmother, some of you know, helped to raise me -- my grandparents did.
And then I was raised by a single mom with the help of my grandparents.
So my grandparents taught me early on that a job is about more than just a paycheck.
She barely notices when I say that I am going on to Toronto to see my grandparents.
Growing up as the son of a single mother, I was raised with the help of my grandparents.
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In 1955, my grandparents moved to Katmandu, Nepal on a medical mission when they were 56 years old.
They bought some land, started building their dream home and convinced my grandparents to build a little home nearby.
Every night my grandparents eat dinner on the deck of their house, looking out over the dark waters toward Mexico.
My father left when I was two years old, leaving her -- my mother and my grandparents to raise me.
In the end they gave her what she wanted and my grandparents, following tradition, sold their apartment and moved to Florida.
Those are the values that my grandparents and my mother taught me.
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We did not come from a wealthy family. (Applause.) I was raised mostly by a single mom and my grandparents.
My ancestors including my grandparents and parents were my foundational teachers.
Volunteering in the community was something that was highly valued in my family not as something we talked about but just something my grandparents and parents modeled.
"I know that my grandparents think of the whole church a little bit differently than my generation does, " said Kaleigh Forst, a student, in New York City.
Growing up I lived with my mother, my father, two older siblings and my grandparents, and I can truly say that I had the best experiences in life.
If my grandparents joined, we would keep the top shells on because they loved eating crab roe something that I was disgusted by at the time, but am now fond of.
You know, my family lived better than my grandparents.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
Mr. SCORCESE: Yeah, my grandparents didn't quite believe that.
And on that day my village was burned and 21 of my family members killed, two of my sisters raped, and two of my grandparents burned alive, and three of my brothers killed.
Mr. President, when I was working coalminer, I understood from personal experience how my parents and my grandparents formed a union and changed coalmining from a life-threatening journey through poverty into reasonably safe and well-paid jobs.
Having come from a family that lost a large share of their wealth in the bank disaster of the Great Depression, I watched as a small boy as my grandparents never again trusted their savings to a bank.
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On one of my final days in England, I made my way on blistered foot to the south bank of the Thames, past the site of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, to the place where my grandparents had made their balloon trip.
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