"When I was a little girl my favorite doll was named Petra and I carried her around with me everywhere, " the designer explains as Vujevic struts down the narrow path in between racks of clothing and accessories littering the floor.
The smile on her face was unbelievable, she was just a lovely little girl, my baby.
When my grandmother Florence was a little girl, she would sometimes be given five pennies for candy.
And sure enough, you know, within like an hour and a half of my being there, the little girl passed away.
In my hunger to free my heart, I suited up in firefighting gear and went back into a "controlled" fire to face and heal my fears of fire as an adult, not as a scared little girl trapped with the beast in my grandparents' basement years ago.
When I was a little girl around six, my family moved to a new house.
As she told my sons about Christmas when she was a little girl, her eyes lit up when she talked of the joy of finding an orange in her Christmas stocking.
But I know that my attempts since then are all because of that little girl.
My husband and I welcomed a perfect, chubby little girl named Maya.
"Off the top of my head, two other songs that I can immediately think of with this type of lyric are 'Hey, hey, you, you get off of my cloud' by the Rolling Stones and 'Hey little girl I want to be your boyfriend' by the Ramones, " she said.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Avril Lavigne rejects copy claim
But, being the girl I am, my excitement was dampened a little by the anxiety of what to pack.
And it was very difficult for me not to turn into that little black girl from the Bay Area and roll my neck and say, look, I'm a poet.
When I was a little girl, I used to watch Perry Mason with my grandfather on TBS. That constituted my entire legal experience before entering law school.
"My mother used to tell me stories about Mulan when I was a little girl and its just one of those stories thats been passed on down from generation to generation for thousands of years, " says Ming-Na Wen, who brings to life the character Mulan.
And my question is, how hard was it to be a lawyer when you were a little girl?
"When I was raised in the South Bronx as a little girl, I watched an awful lot of television, and it was a big influence on my life, " Manzano said in an interview in 2004.