"I realized my mistake more than two years after I got a job, " Chehrenegar remembers.
My mistake was in thinking that these figures somehow reflected actual tax benefits and liabilities.
As things turned out, it was a pretty monotonous evening, and I was regretting my mistake long before Arthur came into the lounge bar and stood waiting for someone to serve him.
My biggest mistake may have been a failure to temper my style to the culture of print newsrooms, as clearly, there has been a contentious attitude between us from the day I walked in.
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"My biggest mistake was when I turned up at school wearing my uniform when it was supposed to be a non-uniform day!"
"My biggest mistake was signing a lot of contracts that I didn't know what they were about, " said Joel, who released his first album in 1971.
My own mistake motivated me to compile this list of country by country observations, that will hopefully help others when they do business with people from other countries.
My only mistake was to trust the rats.
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You check my numbers and discover a mistake: my trajectory will instead send the astronaut hurtling into outer space.
Personally, my biggest technological mistake is not following through with some of the technical concepts and ideas.
No one would mistake my chicken-like scrawl for the elegant loops and lines of a grade school copybook.
"Make no mistake: My opponent is running for four more years of policies that will throw the economy further out of balance, " he said.
My point here is that, while I think this is a mistake, I hope it can be used to fuzzy up a previous mistake, which in my view was putting a date on the period of very low interest rates of at least mid-2013.
Many of my clients were making the mistake of doing marketing after the conversation with a prospect had started.
So I started wondering: Have I missed something, did I make a mistake in sacrificing my teen days for the future?
Making a good first impression reminds me of when my teenage daughter makes the mistake of having a boy drop by the house to impress me.
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In other words, there are all sorts of mechanisms that are involved here, and so the presumption that somehow we can block the capability of China or anybody else borrowing at essentially identical terms abroad as here, in my judgment, is a mistake.
One final note: In last week's column, I made mistake that some of my more astute readers caught.
Fear that one small mistake will drastically change my life.
But I actually felt that it would be a mistake to walk into my house and explain the sequence of events that had led me to spend the night in the garage attic.
It took less than three minutes before a genuinely concerned local approached and informed my travel partner and I of our mistake.
The big mistake was that I convinced my then girlfriend and future wife to hire Sam to manage her money, too.
FORBES: What Should Investors Learn From The MF Global Meltdown?