But I got a strong dose of Ray Charles from my older brother when I was coming up.
"It was my older brother who told me that Billy was missing, " she said.
My older brother (a successful executive in his own right) wanted to direct and guide my career.
My older brother, Rob (okay, so maybe my circle of cool grown-ups was somewhat limited), joined the Navy.
"I'd taught myself to play a bit by reading Bert Weedon's Play In A Day books using my older brother's guitar, " said Robert Smith.
Louis even happened to coincide with the day in the spring of 1927 that my mother discovered herself to be pregnant with my older brother.
To set things straight, I borrowed money from my older brother to erase my credit-card debt (I repaid him over time, without interest) and began using my cards only when I knew I could pay them in full each month.
But my older brother James found the lamp under my seat and had to be stopped dashing to the front of the auditorium running up to the stage to claim the spoils which, unbeknown to him, was a great big doll.
My brother (and his older brother before him) is lucky.
FORBES: 12 Days of Charitable Giving 2012: Fisher House Foundation
After lecture upon lecture from my accountant father and older brother (who majored in economics in college), my brother offered to loan me the money to pay off the camera purchase.
FORBES: Reader Story: How My Nosy Family Taught Me About Money
I've told her in my most infuriating older-brother manner that It Remains To Be Seen.
His energetic meticulousness (passed on from our mother) and his breathtaking perseverance (passed on from our father) served only to magnify my awe of an older brother who everyone agreed was intended for great things, while most boys his age didn't look as though they were intended even to eat at a table with another human being.
When my stepfather was a boy, he watched his own father and older brother leave home to fight and die in the struggle for Indonesian independence.