You know, this is my one opportunity, you know, maybe my only one for the next year to sort of, you know, put forth my artistic persona, to, you know, embody whatever it is I imagine myself doing.
"This is only my second one, " said Wi, who also reached the 2009 U.S. Open at Beth Page Black.
During my youth, only one Zamboni was employed to condition the ice.
Applicable to any modern corporation, my only thought is one word: opportunity.
FORBES: 7 Ways to Restructure Your Company for Opportunity, Inspired by Disney
There was, to my mind, only one qualitative argument generally made in favor of Romney: that his management experience made him uniquely qualified to be president.
FORBES: Romney the Great Manager? Not Nearly as Good as Obama, the Election Proved
Why you should include others: I never hire someone without including others in the hiring process because I realize my opinion is only one quick snapshot.
The samples from the athletes initially attracted up to ten mosquitoes each, but after I sprayed my repellent on only one sample, the mosquitoes were completely repelled.
FORBES: Mosquitoes And Malaria In India Are No Match For This Teen Girl Scientist
The difference was dramatic and, because the media is abuzz with commentary about body language, eye contact, succinctness, and assertiveness, I will confine my comments to only one aspect of preparation: facts.
While my camping colleagues all had only one room, I could invite others over to lounge and chat in my 3 room tent mansion: Welcome to Chez Jess!
Finally, this formed the basis of my one and only peer reviewed paper to date.
FORBES: For A Really Scary Story, Try This: Wall Street Just Doesn't Understand Washington
"This is my one and only chance to do something, " Ms. Brouwers said.
For some decades ago I earned my one and only official credit as a producer of a computer game.
My grandfather could remember only one encounter with Luka, during a winter storm when Mother Vera had sent him out to buy a leg of lamb.
Where to stay is the easiest choice, since in my opinion there is only one real option to experience the full flavor of Memphis, the Peabody Hotel.
These guys are the best there are at what they do--unlike yours truly, who was doing quite well until blowing the final question in my one and only Jeopardy!
"We did over 1, 000 performances of 'My One and Only' together, " said Mr. Tune, who didn't want to spoil the story by telling it in his spacious East Side living room.
For a while, only one thing cramped my waffle-making style: my husband, who is one of those mystifying creatures who believes the words sweet and breakfast should never be uttered together.
Only three days of my testing was in dry weather -- only one of Fernando's was wet.
My walking leg only goes at one pace so there's never any time I ever get out of breath.
BBC: Plymouth marine Ben McBean set for Three Peaks Challenge
As I said, my husband and I only have one TV, which is hooked up to our gaming PC, and our other computers are either underpowered or that gaming orphan, the Macintosh.
FORBES: 8 Potential Reasons to Want a SHIELD and Steam Box Combo
My goal is to be the youngest person in the world to complete a marathon on every continent before I turn 15, to honor not only my dad but the one in six men affected by prostate cancer.
If I own a widget factory and half of my widget makers are only operating one shift a day and half of them are idle, I am not going to take out a loan to expand no matter how low the interest rates are.
During a particularly tense round in which players were vying to create an "X" on their bingo cards, one man yelled out, "I only have one number left on my whole card!"
But this is only one part of my commitment to families here on the island.
Unlike many of my peers who not only cannot afford one, but also cannot even get Medicare due to stringent rules and a long waiting line for court dates.
FORBES: Does Obamacare really cut Medicare Benefits to Senior Citizens?
"I can only hope that one day my people will use me in the right way, " he said.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Weah ends bid for presidency
My mother tells me I was the only one infatuated with the recipe for Indian pudding I brought home when I was 9.
To the best of my knowledge, there is (only) one individual who has not only won an Ig Nobel Award, but also a Nobel Prize.