But it's huge news for people like my uncle who just suffered from a stroke.
Let alone, my Uncle Moe(ph), who was Gandalfo(ph), who married my Aunt Dora(ph), who was Neapolitan.
My dad fought in the South Pacific and his brother, my uncle, died in a plane over Germany.
But when I was around 13, I was visiting my uncle, who said: 'You want to hear singing?
When I was in high school my uncle, who went to the races quite a bit, got me interested.
But my uncle is very, very, very loyal, committed to his team, and I am that way as well.
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My uncle would ask me, what is this (unintelligible) you are afraid of?
My uncle gave me my Tibor Everglades on my wedding day in 2001.
This last attack, SEO poisoning, was what infected my Uncle: a web search was poisoned with results from compromised legitimate web sites.
On Sept. 7, 1986, a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I attended a Mets-Padres doubleheader at Shea Stadium with my parents and my uncle.
"Every time my grandmother spoke about my uncle - even if it was 20 years later - she would cry, " he said.
My uncle told me once that more people have brains than guts.
My uncle calls it "the only used book store where you can go with a list, " but I've never bothered with one.
My uncle amazingly survived the tidal wave during his usual morning walk.
"My uncle ordered popovers from the restaurant's bill of fare, " it started.
In 1999, I went to Toyama, Japan, to briefly train with my uncle Yasushi Naoe, who was a kaiseki chef for over 50 years.
My uncle digs into a bag of candy and begins to pass it out among the kids - who immediately begin fighting over it.
My uncle is an engineer and he was teaching the next day in McGill and coincidentally the lecture he was giving was about high-rise buildings.
Then he spoke great words of wisdom as he sat there on that chair: 'To eat these things, ' said my uncle, 'you must exercise great care.
But the point of living abroad is seeking new experiences, so I was actually really excited to head to Central World with my uncle, aunt and 12-year-old female cousin.
My uncle just lost his former wife to cancer.
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My Uncle was mildly embarrassed by the entire episode, but should not be, because the techniques used to propagate these scams have become so advanced that the educated and computer savvy among us are not immune.