"Until here is where my brain is good, " he says, pointing to the number 72.
The section that I'd like your listeners to hear is one where he says, my opposition to the war is about something more than just Vietnam.
"My eldest now is at the age where he wants to do things and go to places, and we have to hold him back, " said the recently appointed ambassador for Chinese football.
"My eldest now is at the age where he wants to do things and go to places -- and we have to hold him back, " said the recently-appointed ambassador for Chinese football.
This however, is where my agreement with Neil stops, because he indicates that England will win the Ashes next year, which means he is not eating enough Vegemite.
"Walter is a great coach and a great manager, but his presence, in my opinion, is vital in where Rangers are overall, " he said.
If I expect my son to get an education, get a job and get off my payroll, then he must live in a community where that is the norm, not the exception.
"We all hear that they need the beds in the hospital and my mother really doesn't want to be where she is, " he added.
"I know where I'm from, I know where I'm going, my baby is waiting for me, he's happy, and I'm looking forward to eating Cheerios with him tonight, " she said.
"I hope that we resolve this issue sooner rather than later because the state of Illinois has some tremendous financial problems to deal with, which in my view is where we should be concentrating our focus and our time, " he said.
The area where Jeffrey Archer lied, to my knowledge, is in his repeated denials that he told me that he had met Monica Coghlan.
The title of this CD is called "The Pecan Tree" because the pecan tree, which in his case, he was from East Texas, which is also where my family is from.
"My criticism of Michael is his self-absorption -- the whole celebrity thing where he needs to feel like he's worshipped, " Boteach said Thursday.
CNN: Former Jackson adviser: 'Michael's life is in serious decline'
"What my father is asking is to create the climate where every American can realize his or her dreams, " he says.
Egypt, he says, is an album that "praises the tolerance of my religion" in an era where Islam has been largely misunderstood by non-Muslims.
My guess is that he momentarily let his enthusiasm get the best of him when he let slip his vision of where, in the long run, this could be heading.