The stalls were mysteriously serving beef, not pork, placed between two halves of a round bun.
Mysteriously, the pillars appear to have been buried, deliberately and all at once, around 8200 B.
Later that month, more than 20 homes in Turkey's southeast were mysteriously marked by red paint.
Unfortunately, I was a bag lighter though as it mysteriously disappeared at Tucuman airport.
Like other mysteriously alluring substances, chocolate has from time to time been regarded as an aphrodisiac.
Most mysteriously, why had Mr Jois himself apparently stopped practising his sort of yoga decades ago?
ECONOMIST: Pattabhi Jois, a yoga teacher, died on May 18th, aged 93
The heating was mysteriously also turned on, despite it being a hot August, she said.
The term CCD was originally used to describe the phenomenon when worker bees suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.
FORBES: Science Collapse Disorder -- The Real Story Behind Neonics And Mass Bee Deaths
Or they would mysteriously bi- or trifurcate, necessitating long detours to determine which was the correct branch.
WSJ: James Lasdun on the Dark Side of Writing Travel Books | Traveler's Tale
He was a top student and all-around solid citizen who mysteriously changed and became angry and bizarre.
CNN: Can traumatic brain injury trigger mental health issues?
Monday, Google confirmed reports that some users were being mysteriously redirected from Google's search page to Baidu's.
"When we use pharmaceuticals, they don't mysteriously go away, " said Jerker Fick, a co-author of the study.
The appeal of the development was enhanced after the aircraft were mysteriously diverted over other residential areas.
Mysteriously, he travels from Djibouti to Gondar by way of Ndjamena: two sides of a huge triangle.
After that, the mysteriously named Project X will push the intensity of the neutrino beam still higher.
ECONOMIST: The future of physics (1): So long, and thanks for all the quarks | The
Earlier this year in April, a pile of post has mysteriously reappeared nearly two years after being sent.
His ambition to run the family business, mysteriously rejected by his father, has motivated much of the fighting.
Mysteriously, although there is 10% more traffic on the peripheral roads, journey times along them have not increased.
The award of honours is strangely, mysteriously British, and the withdrawal of honours is at least as strange.
He told him who to look for if something happened to him mysteriously.
And in another twist, the game's female protagonist is mysteriously suffering from amnesia.
Talks he had arranged to give at various meetings have been mysteriously cancelled.
The uppermost parts of its thick cloud layer mysteriously absorb half of the ultraviolet light received by the planet.
The tweets mysteriously disappeared several hours later, replaced with a message disavowing them.
In years past we've seen iOS alarms mysteriously stop working on January 1st.
Like those mysteriously disappearing bees, somewhere along the way, those women become less prominent as they move up the ladder.
There are two similar shafts that go from the Queen's Chamber, but never reach the walls, mysteriously stopping seemingly nowhere.
The first was in Constantinople and mysteriously disappeared in the sack of the city in the Fourth Crusade in 1204.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Shroud mystery 'refuses to go away'
Yet when the Congressional Budget Office released its latest forecasts on August 27th, most of that surplus had mysteriously vanished.
Now and then, the fireflies pulsed in unison, mysteriously, as if they all agreed on something we humans didn't know about.