They seemed to hold a mystery as inscrutable as the clotted branches of their mangroves.
Whether they managed to do it without triggering some huge tax bills remains a mystery.
FORBES: 5 Questions Congress Should Ask Obama Commerce Nominee Penny Pritzker
But in "Scent of Mystery, " new, specific patented technology was developed to actually drive the plot.
But everything happens in thes moments of mystery, then it collapses down to a sequential pattern.
Still, as his story conceded, much of the workings of the trusts remained a mystery.
Even in its reduced state, a shred of mystery still clings to the temple.
Hoey and Smith added a degree of mystery to their lo-fi invention when it was released.
The hearing deepened the mystery of how Ms. Rice came to say such things.
WSJ: Elliott Abrams: Benghazi Truths vs. Washington Politics
The court later sealed the documents, leaving the legal cause of their annulment a mystery.
No mystery there: Analysts estimate that Apple orders composed 30% to 40% of Synaptics' sales.
Both TalkTalk and BT have agreed to change their processes following the mystery shopper tests.
Overall speed estimates were offered without prompting from the mystery shoppers in 59% of cases.
"A Separation" is a family drama, a mystery and an exploration of modern Iranian society.
One part of the mystery that remains hard to explain: Rawls' bike was found at home.
The mystery surrounding the discovery of the Qingzhou Buddhas will no doubt continue to be debated.
Tsarnaeva insists there is no mystery and that she's just someone who found a deeper spirituality.
They can, at last, decipher the mystery they perceive to be the martial-arts culture in China.
You managed to get to the bottom of the Sony Blu-ray demo mystery.
"Mystery would have played better if it hadn't been for the cursing, " he says apologetically.
Just do something for a 30 days and much of your money mystery should be solved.
"Golf is a mystery, " she said ahead of this week's Mizuno Classic in Japan.
CNN: Do 'nice guys' finish last? How to heal major heartbreak
Just how Akamai will integrate peer-to-peer file transferring with its core business remains a mystery.
The mystery grows out of complaints by WorldCom employees about Salomon's advice on handling stock options.
But, according to Keith Vaz, the current status of the project is shrouded in mystery.
Mystery Shopping results found that only 20% of abandoned carts triggered a reminder e-mail in 2011.
FORBES: Abandoned Online Shopping Carts: How to Close Those Deals
She's fully in command of a role that she invests with passion, and with intriguing mystery.
WSJ: Oblivion: Earth, Plot in Ruins | In the House | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
The rooms aren't labeled, and it's impossible to tell what's behind the scary mystery doors.
His whereabouts were a mystery for the next nine years, despite the bounty on his head.
What remains a mystery is how gamma rays are created at such extraordinary energies.
So why was she constructing and maintaining such a deep mystery about her second pregnancy?