• Swim, snorkel and surf, but do not leave without tackling the Na Pali Coast's amazing Kalalau Trail.

    BBC: How to choose a Hawaiian island

  • Waimea Canyon State Park has lookout points over Kaua'i's stunning Na Pali cliffs, as well as numerous hiking trails through and around the canyon, a wilderness lover's delight.

    BBC: Hawaii for beach haters

  • When we did cruise during the day, on one resplendent afternoon prior to returning to Honolulu, we were afforded views of the majestic, ravine-studded Na Pali coastline of Kauai, which drops precipitously from around 4, 000ft to the ocean.

    BBC: Otherworldly Hawaii, for less

  • Numerous helicopter companies (most based in Lihu'e) offer up-in-the-air jaunts over waterfall-striped Mt Wai'ale'ale, the island's central shield volcano and one of the wettest spots on Earth, and the sheer-hewn sea cliffs of the Na Pali coast, accessible otherwise only by ocean kayak.

    BBC: Hawaii for beach haters

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