• NAFTA-driven economy of 3m people (2m in Mexico, 1m in Texas) of whom 90% are Latino.

    ECONOMIST: One river, one country

  • NAFTA-induced growth in Mexico's exports has come at the expense of other countries and thus constitutes trade diversion.

    ECONOMIST: Trading views

  • Britain and Ireland should be looking to tie into a cross-Atlantic Nafta, which might push the EU in a more Nafta-like direction.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • It insists that the country has benefited hugely from Nafta - both exports and imports have increased more than 300% over the past ten years, and almost all that is thanks to the deal.

    BBC: Mexico: Trade in the shadow of Big Brother

  • While metros like Monterrey and Mexico City have sizable enough populations and rabid fan interest, it's the pace of NAFTA-driven income acceleration that will no doubt determine if and when Mexico comes into the MLB fold.


  • NAFTA-wide ban on risky meat.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil: Trade beefs | The

  • He voted in favour of the NAFTA free-trade area in 1993, but on the campaign trail, especially in the downtrodden mid-west, he has promised to review all of America's free-trade agreements.

    ECONOMIST: A bruising battle ahead | The

  • There was a socially conservative, blue-collar, anti-NAFTA group, the same people who flirted with Buchanan earlier this year--and it's not clear that Lamm, a pro-choice free trader, would have much to offer them.

    CNN: It's My Party And I'll Run If I Want To

  • In many respects, Mexico is moving forward, boosted by nearly two decades of post-NAFTA economic transformation.

    FORBES: Two Nations Indivisible: A Roadmap for Modern Mexico

  • That would be a good start, but no substitute for a bilateral U.S.-Taiwan FTA or a Taiwan-NAFTA agreement.

    FORBES: A Free Trade Agenda For the U.S. and Taiwan

  • Of his two memorable gestures towards tech, NAFTA and web-enabling the schools, the first was a GOP initiative and the second showed he knew nothing about the digital economy.

    FORBES: President-Elect Fails To Understand Tech

  • Anti-Nafta rhetoric doesn't play well in El Paso, San Antonio and Houston, which have become gateway cities for commerce with Latin America and have flourished since the North American Free Trade Agreement passed Congress in 1993.

    WSJ: Texas v. Ohio

  • It is the context in which both Senators Obama and Clinton are pledging not to reject free trade but to temper aspects of treaties, such as Nafta, which - according to them - hurt American interests and cost Americans jobs.

    BBC: Trade and jobs to fore in US election

  • Whereas legitimate Mexican traders have free access to America and Canada via the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), drug smugglers are granted tariff-free entry to every country in the world thanks to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which prohibits the regulation or taxation of their product.

    ECONOMIST: From HR to CSR: management lessons from Mexico��s drug lords

  • NAFTA, the free-trade agreement with the United States which alarms labour south of the border even more than north.

    ECONOMIST: Democracy, Mexican-style

  • NAFTA's wide-ranging protection for investors was aimed mainly at Mexico, whose legal system Canadian and American negotiators did not trust.


  • NAFTA, the wheat-growers of Sonora were switching to nuts, peaches and chillies-not-for-men because wheat wasn't worth bothering with any more.

    ECONOMIST: The problems of plugging a square economy into a round world

  • The Mexican government announced Monday that it will expand the list of U.S. products subject to punitive import duties in retaliation for a brazen, 15-year-long refusal of the United States to honor its NAFTA commitment to allow Mexican long-haul trucks to compete in the U.S. market.

    FORBES: Mexico Is Right To Retaliate Over U.S. Ban On Mexican Trucks

  • And NAFTA doesn't have -- did not have enforceable labor agreements and environmental agreements.

    CNN: McCain, Obama go head to head in last debate

  • The agreement with Korea would be the biggest free-trade agreement since NAFTA, and after much haggling, negotiations were concluded at the eleventh hour in Seoul in April.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Mr Bush came to power last year a committed free-trader: he envisages the creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas, building on the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and stretching from Canada to Chile.

    ECONOMIST: APEC, terrorism and trade

  • The North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which in 1994 eliminated most tariffs between Mexico, the United States and Canada, was only the beginning: Mexico now boasts free-trade deals with 44 countries, more than any other nation.

    FORBES: Mexico's Economic Trajectory: Onward and Up?

  • Vicente Fox, a former Coca-Cola salesman who defeated the PRI, brought high hopes that his country would match the economic promise of the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), between Mexico, the United States and Canada, with a correspondingly vibrant democracy.

    ECONOMIST: Mexico��s presidential election

  • One reason why Barack Obama's campaign struggled in the Buckeye State was the revelation that an economic adviser had privately assured Canadian officials that his boss was only posturing when he said nasty things about the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

    ECONOMIST: Hillary Clinton sacks her strategist, Mark Penn

  • In addition the President-elect intends to upgrade NAFTA with stronger labor and environmental provisions.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Growing interdependence

  • Mr. ARMAND PESCHARD-SVERDRUP (Center for Strategic and International Studies): At least the Mexicans won't touch NAFTA per se in the meeting, but try to make President-elect Obama aware of how integrated the two economies are and how to some extent there is a benefit in working together in trying to strengthen the competitiveness of the two economies vis-a-vis the rest of the world.

    NPR: Obama To Discuss Trade, Drug War With Calderon

  • Mexico suffered a big shake-out of its industry when NAFTA came into effect in 1994.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil, Mexico and trade

  • NAFTA, Hispanics stood out: Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda, of the University of California at Los Angeles, reckons that many Mexican immigrants who had headed north in search of work saw jobs move in the opposite direction.

    ECONOMIST: Does it matter?

  • "It's no secret that we disagree -- and disagree sharply -- (with Gore) on NAFTA and on granting China permanent normal trade relations, " Yokich said.

    CNN: United Auto Workers backs Gore for US president

  • He outpolled Herminio Blanco of Mexico -- another highly experienced trade veteran -- who had the backing of other NAFTA members the United States and Canada.

    CNN: WTO: Emerging markets get the nod

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