"I personally went into it a little bit naively, " said Trask of the new version.
What animated Hunt was an almost naively simple belief in everyone's personal desire to be happy.
She regrets naively thinking that sending the PowerPoint to three friends would end there.
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Average Americans naively take the morality of altruism to mean good will, generosity, and human decency.
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Imad Mugniyah was about to defy the oceans that security officials naively assumed held him back.
Obama naively saw in the Arab Spring the birth pangs of liberal democracy in the Middle East.
FORBES: Appease, Surrender, Abandon, and Get Nothing: Obama's NaivePolitik
Republicans eventually acquiesce, naively assuming that Democrats will be their new best-friends-forever in the fight against big government.
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Applied naively, they become back-seat driving mechanisms with which investors can micromanage startups, to the detriment of both.
Some tribes have reinforced that impression by naively giving money to politicians and lobbyists including, notoriously, Jack Abramoff.
It could never, as Wilson naively envisioned, meaningfully move against a major power.
Westerners, especially Americans, often misunderstand Japan because they naively think that every nation wants to have a U.S.-style, consumer-oriented system.
For example, in my first sales job I naively gave prospects my very best price on the first sales call.
The French newspaper Le Monde pointed out that Russian commentators are saying that Depardieu is being naively exploited by Putin.
Obama naively believes that we can achieve more job creation and productive work by virtue of raising the penalty on both.
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The left naively thinks that unchecked bureaucratic experts can free agencies from the influence of special interest groups, including big banks.
No doubt, as Seth Godin observes, many organizations will naively copy the same strategy hoping for equally dramatic and timely results.
But it was basically a muddy, touristy mess, with underwhelming music and not a hint of the magic we had naively hoped for.
Semler figured, a bit naively, that worst-case the Italian parent would buy out the rest of the minority investors at a modest premium.
In the production of his plays Cohan was obliged to be free-handed in entertaining actors, employees, and, as he naively adds dramatic critics.
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That may be how Google results can turn up Web pages people naively consider private, since they're not linked to or from anywhere.
Mr Moran lists the problems of every approach: naively building roads simply creates more traffic, while forcing people to pay for them is politically almost impossible.
In light of all this, the one ongoing certainty is that the mortgage walkers naively sanctified by Ryan Chittum will never be the victims.
FORBES: The Ongoing, and Hideous Lie About 'Victimized' Mortgage Holders
Naively I took an interest only mortgage which I paid into for eight years through some periods of extremely high and crippling interest rates.
My visits to various communities, orphanages, markets, clinics, etc exposed me to a cycle of poverty for which I was woefully and naively unprepared.
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We have the privilege (most of us, at least) of watching it from afar, wistfully and (sometimes naively) wondering why it can't simply be resolved.
Critics accuse Mr. Khan of pandering to hard-line Islamists and naively seeing violent extremism as merely a reaction to the American military presence in neighboring Afghanistan.
But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition.
While many businesses may understand the potential threat they are often not prepared to deal with an incident, or they naively believe it will never happen to them.
Sperry describes how Sister Susan VanBaalen, who administers the federal prison ministries, has naively allowed problematic organizations tied to Saudi Arabia to proselytize in unsupervised meetings with inmates.
Referee Eddie Smith pointed to the spot when De Vries was naively manhandled by Gathuessi inside the Hibs penalty area and Noel Hunt stepped up to convert the kick.