Mark Bodnick is exhibiting the kind of naivete of those who do not use libraries.
Feel free to chime in and roll your eyes at my naivete if warranted.
"It was the naivete of youth and the arrogance of youth as well, " Grogan says.
Scoop Jackson, for one, would have been appalled at the naivete and dangerous caprice involved in such statements.
As for our own naivete, if that is what it was, maybe it is beginning to lift now, too.
FORBES: September 11 and American Innocence: What Really Happened to Us?
The Nobel committee must have known it would be laying itself open to criticism, accusations of naivete and even ridicule.
FORBES: Cynics Be Gone; Europe Deserves Its Nobel Peace Prize
If we had been naive through the decade of the 2000s, our naivete lived on, and it continued to get us into trouble.
FORBES: September 11 and American Innocence: What Really Happened to Us?
There would have to be consideration of some way of embracing head-in-the-cloud answers to social problems that are usually dismissed by policymakers as academic naivete.
FORBES: The Simple Solution to Climate Change: Hint, It Isn't World Government
Indeed, to presume that a Washington fully controlled by the Republicans would actually reduce the size of government is to take naivete to hopelessly romantic levels.
FORBES: The Small Government Establishment Joins the Establishment
McCain has visited both countries and accuses his rival of naivete for suggesting that Iraq had distracted the United States from the growing conflict in Afghanistan.
In addition to interviewing Starr, ABC also interviewed three of his prosecutors, who discussed some of the behind-the-scenes activity of their office and what they regarded as Starr's naivete about investigative tactics.
There is no reason other than massive taxation of more than 50 percent and consumer naivete that thinks paying the sticker price of a BMW X5 is the same value as buying a Cherokee.
With acceptance bordering on naivete, he accepts the arguments of plaintiff lawyers that the six representative smokers began huffing on lights because of deceptive advertising by Philip Morris, a unit of Altria Group.
The possibility that such naivete could prove infectious is all the more troubling since even some European leaders who have preferred accommodation to confrontation when it came to terrorism and its sponsors appeared jarred by the Madrid bombings.
We know that someone who's reading this has the clout to make this project happen, so here's your chance to grab this kid's idea for a song before he loses his youthful naivete and goes all Apple with the lawyers and the patents and stuff.