Dr Pickersgill "named and shamed" the trusts concerned during his speech to the conference.
Popular night-club singers and fashionable doctors who avoid paying taxes have been named and shamed.
This drew a furious response from one of the countries named and shamed in the report, Zimbabwe.
They were set a deadline of Thursday to provide the information or they would be named and shamed.
He added that companies attempting to stop the sale of their goods at lower prices should be "named and shamed".
"I always believe drink-drivers should be named and shamed and their pictures should be on the backs of buses, " he said.
If a supermarket fails to comply, it can then be named and shamed, and - as a last resort - fined.
Mr Brown said public sector workers earning an "over-generous" salary would be "named and shamed", as many had "lost touch" with normality.
One of the councils "named and shamed" said it welcomed outside help.
Any Chelsea shareholders found to have concealed the extent of their holdings in the company could face unlimited fines, or be "named and shamed".
The consequences of this phenomenon need to be hammered in schools, offices and in all international conferences and the real perpetrators named and shamed.
English hospitals face being "named and shamed" for not screening patients for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) risk, NHS medical director Sir Bruce Keogh has said.
BBC: Hospitals warned over Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) deaths
He added that irresponsible dog owners should be named and shamed.
Mr Bell said action was needed because "not a single frontbencher who has been named and shamed by The Daily Telegraph has lost his or her job".
In June some 35 firms became the first to be "named and shamed" for employing a total of 56 illegal immigrants - almost all of them takeaways or restaurants.
Last year the Football Association of Wales Trust development officer Tim Broome said dog owners who allowed their pets to foul on sports pitches should be named and shamed.
In a study of ten "named and shamed" colleges, Paul Goddard-Patel and Stephen Whitehead found evidence of good practice inside the classroom and in the interaction between lecturers and students.
Different participants named and shamed different earworm songs and each individual participant tended to report a range of different songs, rather than pointing to repeat offending by the same recalcitrant tune.
Even Israel, which keeps mum about its bombs, is now being named and (Egypt hopes) shamed.