Nameless waterfalls tumble down from the plateau above, while the shadows of clouds dance across treeless slopes.
Yes, that's one of those big nameless guys who plays on the offensive line.
The judge-elect from Somalia referred to at length in your article is neither nameless nor faceless.
"Suddenly it just becomes another nameless faceless high street like anywhere else in the country, " she said.
It is impractical to sue a million teenagers one at a time, each nameless and hard to trace.
What a tangled web they wove in creating a system that sends nameless bits coursing through people's computers.
Ed stopped his crying and suddenly shivered, as if a nameless vessel, carrying his own corpse, had just passed.
In the military, the debrief process is nameless and rank-less to ensure every relevant opinion and observation is heard.
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With each incident, videos came showing nameless victims pleading, crying or falling silent.
These are not nameless faces, but real people like my girlfriend, who trembles at the prospect of coming out.
But that promise was a recipe for bankruptcy in the maze of nameless streets that is Tokyo or Osaka.
In "The Leper's Companion, " a nameless narrator suffers a nameless loss so strong that it shocks her out of time.
Their opponents' disarray helped: instead of a single list, the opposition splintered among a vast array of largely nameless faces.
Why would any reporter, freelance or otherwise, give such information to nameless individuals who could pilfer it for their own purposes?
Compared to them, Daphne's nameless little village was utterly bland and boring.
To add insult to injury, GoonSwarm then re-registered the Band of Brothers name for itself, leaving the former alliance nameless and broken.
Though the artist remains nameless, more is becoming known about his work.
It is not caused by nameless "developers" building strip malls in marshes.
They remembered a wandering childhood of nameless places, an existence in tents and silent nighttime crossing of borders, the unceasing search for somewhere better.
At best, he had joined the group of nameless, faceless characters who had occupied the office in the last third of the 19th century.
More and more, police forces are coming to call upon its services to establish the identities of people who would otherwise go to nameless graves.
Joan Allen plays a nameless and discontented scientist living in London.
There were possibly one or two dodgy camera mixes from the Cornish director (who shall remain nameless), but it was otherwise a flawless technical achievement.
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When referring to the causes of our economic meltdown, he often reverts to passive voice (something "was done") or to nameless, faceless, impersonal forces ("corporate greed").
Official specs are few and far between, but what we do know is that this nameless phone is driven by a Cortex-A5 CPU of some kind.
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By the 19th century, this vagabond culture was completely entrenched, with the whole of Sicily being ruled by these nameless, shadowy figures who became the Mafia.
It lets players take on the role of a character called The Nameless One who journeys through the strange city of Sigil, gradually re-discovering who he is.
The catch: we would speak by phone, with Goldstein playing watchdog, and the mystery shopper would remain nameless and description-less -- more incognito than Brangelina on holiday.
Such is the essence of the world, the nameless thing-in-itself, a melange of a priori truths that reside dormant within each man from the moment he is born.
Returning to Connaught Place, seek out a child-friendly street snack on the inner circle, where ice cream vendors and a nameless stall dishing up particularly tasty sweetcorn ply their wares.