The day focused on graphene and nanotechnology research, and their potential for commercial application.
Nanotechnology is not so much a new science as an approach to solving engineering problems.
Nanotechnology, biotechnology, information and communication technologies (ICTs) and cognitive science are all converging technologies.
For global companies from DuPont to General Electric to Intel and IBM, nanotechnology is it.
Nanotechnology has the potential to drastically enhance military operations and safety as well as homeland security.
Nanotechnology is offering a new way of processing fabric that could revolutionize the clothing industry.
The question now is whether IBM can combine its nanotechnology with its supercomputer technology.
Genetics, robotics, nanotechnology, and synthetic biology are at least as important as information technologies.
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When it comes to the environment, the potential benefits of "green nanotechnology" are great.
Engineers in Germany are busily using nanotechnology to protect surfaces from dirt and grime.
He even digs into three that could one day decimate humanity: nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and biotechnology.
There is even a website ( to keep investors up to date on nanotechnology opportunities.
The prototype, which needs wider testing, is described in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
Today, advances in nanotechnology -- the science of impossibly small materials -- are rapid.
Nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of matter at a very tiny scale, the nanometer scale.
Responsible development of nanotechnology requires an integrated, risk-management-based approach to environmental, health, and safety (EHS) research.
But, deep within the guts of the handset, nanotechnology may bring about some big improvements.
Nanotechnology in medicine is going to have a major impact on the survival of the human race.
Nanotechnology's role in optics lies not as much in the optics themselves, but in the manufacturing process.
Tokyo-based Haman Technologies is fielding its own cutting-edge desalination technology, based on innovative engineering rather than nanotechnology.
Hence nanotechnology can be used in food production, most often as nanoparticles of silver in food-preparation equipment.
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In his last years, he devoted much time to fighting another prominent champion of nanotechnology, Eric Drexler.
He is also Nanotechnology Track Faculty at Singularity University where he discusses the future of ubiquitous small machines.
At a conference I suffered through a presentation about an NSF-funded study of the ethics of nanotechnology research.
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Nanotechnology will have a far greater impact on society and medicine by an order of magnitude than penicillin.
Right now Europe also seems ahead in developing nanotechnology to create materials for industries like cosmetics and textiles.
From an engineering perspective, when it comes to making micro-machines, nanotechnology has a distinct advantage over electromagnetic motors.
The danger is that the investment firms' expectations could run too far ahead of nanotechnology's ability to deliver.
He has a PhD from the University of California, San Diego, studying applications of nanotechnology to oncology.
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