Around 2.5m tourists visit Pompeii, which sits near the southern city of Naples, every year.
If Naples imploded economically, even abandoned the euro, would it really matter all that much?
Two months later an Italian coast guard boat off Naples came across a remarkable scene.
In one big case last year, an employee at the Cleveland Clinic in Naples, Fla.
Since then, the Americans have stuck to their line of refusing to negotiate over Naples.
Set in Goa, Naples, Berlin, Moscow, and, should you blink, perhaps Madagascar and Sardinia, too.
The Seda Group, established in Naples, Italy in 1964, has 12 manufacturing plants worldwide.
Unified Marine, a Naples, Fla. maker of boating products, goes further, arming other Web sites.
Mr Berlusconi had cleared Naples of the garbage mountains that helped topple the previous, centre-left government.
At sixteen, devastated by tuberculosis, he spent time in Naples and Capri with his mother.
When I spoke to him in Naples he sounded a little like Francois Hollande.
In Naples, protecting print revenue proved to be a significant part of the success story.
FORBES: Pew Case Studies Highlight Promising Avenues, And Some Pitfalls, For Struggling Papers
In Naples, and all over Italy, people are at each other's throat, before a big vote.
The snobbery of the north towards supposedly backward Naples was (and still is) striking.
His reign was noted for his conflicts with the Kingdom of Naples and the Venetian Republic.
True to his word, Mr Bassolino recently sold Naples airport to British Airports Authority.
The French have put forward several compromises, the latest being to have two commanders in Naples.
From them, we learn that she grew up in Naples, and has lived for periods outside Italy.
Trotta hails from Santa Maria Capua a Vetere, a town at the edge of Naples' urban sprawl.
He defended the expenditure, saying it had been used to promote Naples and had generated business locally.
For the Naples Daily News, it mostly involved thinking of ad sales territories metaphorically rather than literally.
FORBES: Pew Case Studies Highlight Promising Avenues, And Some Pitfalls, For Struggling Papers
Naples and Higgins were adversaries once before, in the 1993 race for comptroller, a race Naples won.
The doctors confirm that diseases more commonly found in developing countries are now appearing here in Naples.
Their wealth gains should come from the stock, not compensation, says Bruce Geller, portfolio manager at Naples, Fla.
"What was lacking last year for hedge funds was volatility, " says the founder and president of Naples, Fla.
Three people were arrested over the violence, two from Naples and one from nearly Avellino, Italian police confirmed.
Rossano Ercolini convinced Naples - a city gripped by a long-running waste crisis - to adopt zero-waste goals.
On the bad, he offers Mr Berlusconi, organised crime and corruption, the public sector, red tape and Naples.
Most jet into Campania's capital, Naples, before heading to the sea and the abundant sunshine of its islands.
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About 60% of goods leaving Sicily head for destinations north of Naples, 500km by road from Villa San Giovanni.