Dyed, fried or to the side, naturally nappy or Condoleezza-curled, black women's hair makes a statement.
People in Barton-upon-Humber have expressed their shock at the closure of the Kimberly-Clark nappy factory in the town.
BBC: North Lincolnshire town's shock at nappy factory closure
Pictures of the monkey, wearing a sheepskin jacket and nappy, were spread around the world by social media.
"Significant force, outside the normal course of changing a baby's nappy, would have been required, " he told the man.
One of them involved changing a nappy on a doll, with one hand.
The doctor also said that Ms Martin's mother Margaret Graham had said she had noticed something when changing Millie's nappy.
One man arrived in a bus painted with the Stars and Stripes and accompanied by a pet monkey in a nappy.
"This is exactly how my brother is going to be, " he said as he struggled to fasten the sides of the nappy.
If each change takes about five minutes, one person would have to dedicate nearly five hours to nappy changing in every 24.
In the UK, it will close its nappy mill in Barton near Hull and part of its facility at Flint in Wales.
He missed most of his wife's pregnancy, although he says he is now making up for it on frequent nappy changing duties.
Those are the chemicals that form the core of the disposable nappy.
From his base in the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep, Adnan Altunkaya says his family-owned company commands two-thirds of the Iraqi nappy sector.
They insist their products cause no harm whatsoever, and they say it's only the plastic in a nappy which doesn't break down quickly.
French producers with an eye on the American market asked Mr Ocelot to put bras on his female figures and a nappy on Kirikou.
Capt Nowak said she wore a nappy on the journey to Orlando in Florida so she would not have to stop to use the toilet.
The nappy mill at Calatayud in Spain, the toilet tissue plant in Alanno in Italy and the tissue plant at Klucze in Poland will all be sold.
Basically what most mothers are looking for is a nappy that performs like a disposable but that you can wash and reuse for more than one child.
New Yorker Marion Donovan invented the disposable nappy in 1950.
At this point Dr McGinn said Ms Martin had become very upset and said she did not want to hear, which the doctor said she had taken to mean about concerns in the nappy region.
His mother, Rachael Puaca, also said hygiene was poor, and she found him lying "in a dirty nappy, laying in his own vomit with no nurse by him" when he was in an intensive care unit.
It is very frustrating and distressing, as I have a young son of two and have found it very hard at times to change his nappy etc because of my sore hands, and washing them for obvious hygiene reasons just makes them worse.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | New eczema treatments on horizon
Honesty is a virtue, but his macho claim that, while he might once have changed a nappy in an emergency, he had never cooked a meal at home was a strange boast for someone wanting to lead a party that has haemorrhaged support among women and younger voters.