Turin's theory: that nasal receptors were tiny spectroscopes, measuring vibration by measuring electron current.
But the claim the majority of snoring was due to a nasal breathing problem was criticised.
He tried turning up the oxygen in her nasal tubing, but she got no better.
Historically, politics favored nasal voices because the one good thing about them is that they carry.
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So his voice combines a nasal tone with high pitch and the result is a whine.
FORBES: How You Can Profit From The Massachusetts Gubernatorial Race
Blockages in the nose, such as having a deviated nasal septum, may also improve with surgery.
Experts have long known that high pollen counts cause sniffling, sneezing, and other nasal allergy symptoms.
In addition, researchers and Brigham and Women's Hospital report encouraging results with a similar, nasal vaccine.
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Over-the-counter nasal decongestants act by stimulating receptors in nasal passages called alpha-1 adrenergic receptors.
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Usually, viruses cause colds by attaching themselves to proteins that in turn connect to nasal cells.
"It's a certain kind of sound that is a bit brittle and a bit nasal, " she said.
In many states, the initial doses of nasal spray will be directed first to health care workers.
But experts said it would only help snorers if their habit was caused by a nasal obstruction.
Nevertheless, the nasal decongestant remedies sold in the aisles of pharmacies, supermarkets, and convenience stores contain phenylephrine.
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That posture makes it hard to breathe deeply with the abdominals and diaphragm, and leads to nasal-sounding voices.
FORBES: How You Can Profit From The Massachusetts Gubernatorial Race
For those who don't currently do nasal irrigation, generally people can use whatever they feel like, he said.
In this program, physicians collect nasal swabs from patients at community clinics on both sides of the border.
In a 15-hour procedure in mid-March, doctors gave Wiens a donor forehead, nasal structure, nose, lips and facial skin.
Cantor, who is forty-nine, is slight and speaks in a nasal Southern drawl.
By 1993 Inhale had a flashlight-size prototype, but most drug companies, wary after setbacks with nasal insulin, weren't interested.
The disease is transmitted through the infected bird's saliva, nasal secretions or feces.
Horse owners have been urged to contact a vet if they spot the symptoms of coughing and nasal discharge.
Using nasal saline spray may help to reduce transmission to other and also protect yourself from catching the flu.
The children will be immunised using a nasal spray rather than an injection.
Antihistamines, he says, have been known since the early 1940s, and they work very well against sneezing and nasal drainage.
The results, so far, suggest a single nasal dose of oxytocin could activate brain regions known to process social information.
In March 1999, Mrs Ward was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and in April she was given a Beconase nasal spray.
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If you get the nasal spray variety, you can have a sore throat for a day and a runny nose.
The vaccine would be delivered via a nasal spray with two doses given to P1-P5 children and one to P6-S5 pupils.
But if they suffer from mere hay fever, they'll have to try and fail both Claritin and nasal sprays like Flonase.