In many states, the initial doses of nasal spray will be directed first to health care workers.
The children will be immunised using a nasal spray rather than an injection.
In March 1999, Mrs Ward was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and in April she was given a Beconase nasal spray.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Merseyside | GP 'failed to diagnose cancer'
If you get the nasal spray variety, you can have a sore throat for a day and a runny nose.
The vaccine would be delivered via a nasal spray with two doses given to P1-P5 children and one to P6-S5 pupils.
Good news for noses Researchers in South Carolina have created a "smart" nasal spray that can help beat the common cold.
Nasonex, a steroidal nasal spray used to treat allergies, is also losing market share, although Hassan hopes he can turn that around.
Nastech Pharmaceutical in Bothell, Wash. is studying a nasal spray form of apomorphine, which may work both above the neck and below the waist.
As well as the annual flu nasal spray, the joint committee on vaccination and immunisation has recommended that S3 girls and boys also be vaccinated against meningococcal C.
And from September, the UK will become the first country to offer the flu vaccine - via a nasal spray - to all healthy children free of charge.
However, potentially one of the most significant advances is the possibility of a vaccine deliverable via a nasal spray rather than requiring injection by a trained medical worker.
The first round of deliveries will be the nasal spray, which contains live virus, and is recommended for people ages 2 to 49 with no existing health conditions.
In 2001, New Mexico started distributing Narcan, a drug used to reverse the effects of overdose, and bolstered the program in 2007 by giving out Narcan nasal spray instead of needles.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends all pregnant women get the flu shot (the nasal spray vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women) to protect them from the virus.
Forty million doses of nasal spray and injectable vaccine should be available by the middle of October, with another 10 million to 20 million to become available every week after that.
Nasal spray decongestants are more effective than oral decongestants.
Sanofi-Aventis (SNY) : Headquartered in Paris with operations in more than 100 countries, Sanofi makes a wide array of drugs, including Allegra (allergies), Ambien CR (a prescription sleeping aid), and Nasacort (a nasal spray).
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C. to contain some sort of morals clause, which will be particularly galling to an organization that has made a tough-cop reputation by busting teenagers for taking the wrong nasal spray before the 400-m backstroke.
In the minutes of its latest meeting the JCVI says the vaccine has "a good safety profile" and may be more widely accepted by parents and children because it is given in the form of a nasal spray.
The two types of vaccine that have been approved -- a flu shot made from inactivated or dead virus and a nasal spray made from live, weakened virus -- will be available free of charge, though some providers may charge an "administration fee, " Sebelius said.
The nasal spray flu vaccine, which is an option for people ages 2 to 49 years without certain conditions such as asthma, diabetes or a suppressed immune system, contains more egg protein than the injections and should not be given to anyone with an egg allergy.
For the nasal spray form of the vaccine, there is evidence of high protection for children aged 6 months to 7 years, inconsistent evidence of protection in adults 60 years of age and older, and a lack of evidence of protection in individuals between 8 and 59 years of age, the study says.
Using nasal saline spray may help to reduce transmission to other and also protect yourself from catching the flu.